A Letter to the Assistant Commissioner of Police Complaining About the Worsening Law and Order Situation in Your Area

Write a letter to the Assistant Commissioner of Police (Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi) complaining about the worsening law and order situation in your area.

XYZ-Lajpat Nagar,

New Delhi

27th October, 2018.


          The Assistant Commission of Police

          Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi

          Subject : Worsening law and order situation in the Lajpat Nagar Locality.

Respected Sir,

          I wish to draw your kind attention towards worsening law and order situation in the locality of Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi Area. A number of bad and illegal activities are going on in this locality. A gang of Goons is very active, and they remain busy in pick-pocketing, chain snatching, and pass vulgar remarks on the girls and ladies. Sometimes, they fight with the residents of the locality.  The goons of the gang seem to be under the protection of some police officials. There is an open sale of Hashish, Illicit Liquor, Smack, Bhang etc. during the late hours of night. Drunken fight and night brawls are quite common in the locality. In the streets, hooligans roam here and there. Girls and Ladies of the Lajpat Nagar area are unable to cross from one corner to the other because of these goons. There is an atmosphere of insecurity in the locality.

These evil acts require immediate check-ups and actions. The bad characters who are involved in these anti-social activities should be caught and punished so that a healthy law and order situation can be maintained. The locality requires continuous and proper police patrolling. Therefore, I earnestly request you to look into the matter and save the people from this fearful atmosphere.

READ ALSO:   A Letter to Municipal Authority Inviting His Attention to the Unsatisfactory State of the Sanitary Arrangements in Your Colony

Yours faithfully,

Dharmendra Kumar Rana

Lajpat Nagar, New Delhi