The World Would Be Better Without Science : Essays, Articles, Paragraphs in English Language for Students

The World Would Be Better Without Science : Essays, Articles, Paragraphs in English Language for Students for Schools Exams

Science is neither good nor bad in itself. It is the use, to which it is put, which makes it good or bad. Man may use it for his welfare as well as for warfare. It is a blessing in peace and curse in war. It is a good servant, but a bad master. Let us see how science has made our life miserable. How peaceful, happy and charming life was before the advent of science and how it has gone into distress. There was no lust for power and money, no vaulting ambitions and no hypocrisy. People were innocent, cooperative and friendly.

With the science came machines and electric power. This gave rise to industrialisation. Industrialisation brought greed, selfishness, exploitation, imperialism, colonialism and love for gold in its train. Besides, science has led to the production of modern sophisticated engines of war for mass killing. With the result, killing and kidnapping, mass destruction, bombing of cities and non-combatants, bomb explosions have become so common. It is because of scientific inventions that terrorism has become a world-wide phenomenon.

Life has become uncertain and life-spam shortened. Environmental pollution, global warming and green-house effect are all due to science. Moreover, the danger of nuclear war is looming large over our heads live a shadow of death. This misuse of science has made all right thinking men indignant with science itself. Someone has rightly said, “If ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise”. Hence, the sooner we return to the state of nature, the better it would be.

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