Most Important Idioms and Phrases With Answers For All Competitive Exams Part 15

561. Throw dust into my eyes : to mislead or confuse me

562. To make do : manage

563. Took to her heels : ran off

564. Follow his nose : to go straight ahead

565. Hold  your horses : be patient

566. Changed colours : turned pale

567. In the swim : well-informed and up to date

568. Out of my wits : greatly confused

569. A closed book : a mystery

570. Feather in my cap : an achievement

571. A cut above : superior to

572. Salad days : adolescence

573. She flies off at a tangent : starts discussing something irrelevant

574. Cool about working : ready to work

575. To the letter : in every detail

576. Maiden speech : first speech

577. Time and again : often

578. Putting the cart before the horse : doing a thing in the wrong way

579. A cakewalk : an easy achievement

580. Hard and fast : that cannot be altered

581. Cordoned off : isolated

582. Took after : similar to

583. In the air : under consideration

584. Picking holes : finding fault with

585. Fish in troubled waters : make a profit out of a disturbance

586. Salt of the earth : good, honest and ideal

587. Put my foot down : take a firm stand

588. Null and void : not binding

589. Give in : yield

590. A wild goose chase : unprofitable adventure

591. A man of straw : a man of no substance

592. Back to square one : to return to the starting point

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593. Stood his ground : refused to yield

594. Nine days’ wonder : a dazzling short-lived spectacle of no real value

595. A cut above : rather superior to

596. Latched on to : promoted

597. Brought the house down : made the audience applaud enthusiastically

598. To toe the line : to follow the lead

599. A close-fisted person : a miser

600. Other fish to fry : some important work to attend to