List of Synonyms in English – Word List – A to C

List of Synonyms in English – Word List – A to C entranciology


S. No. Word Synonyms
1 Anger Rage, Wrath, Resentment
2 Abandon Desert, Forsake, Leave
3 Abduct Carry off, Kidnap
4 Abhor Hate, Despise, Loathe, Detest
5 Abnormal Unusual, Irregular, Uneven
6 Abode Dwelling, Home, House
7 Abolish Eradicate, Destroy, Remove
8 Abound Flourish, Overflow, Teem, Luxuriate
9 Abortive Fruitless, Futile
10 Abridge Curtail, Shorten
11 Absolute Autocratic, Lordly, Dictatorial, Dogmatic
12 Absorb Swallow, Scholarly, Exhaust, Consume
13 Abundant Copious, Plentiful, Ample
14 Academician Bookish, Learned, Scholarly, Lettered
15 Accede Consent, Agree, Acquiesce
16 Accept Agree, Concur
17 Accident Calamity, Mishap, Disaster, Misadventure
18 Accord Agreement, Conformity, Harmony
19 Acquaintance Companionship, Familiarity, Intimacy
20 Accumulate Collect, Amass, Store, Gather
21 Accurate Correct, Exact, Precise
22 Accuse Blame, Fault
23 Act Deed, Achievement, Execution
24 Acquire Obtain, Procure
25 Actual Real, Genuine
26 Active Agile, Alert, Energetic, Lively
27 Admire Appreciate, Praise, Reverence, Esteem
28 Addicted Habituated, Prone, Accustomed
29 Address Accost, Greet, Appeal to, Speak to
30 Adequate Sufficient, Fit, Fitting, Suitable
31 Advice Counsel, Direction
32 Adore Worship, Revere, Venerate
33 Adversity Calamity, Distress, Anguish
34 Adept Expert, Apt, Dextrous, Skillful
35 Affable Sociable, Amiable, Genial
36 Affliction Grief, Distress, Misery, Agony
37 Affront Insult, Indignity
38 Aggravate Intensify, Provoke, Heighten
39 Aid Help, Assistance
40 Aim Goal, Purpose, Objective, Intent
41 Allay Assuage, Soothe, Pacify, Calm
42 Allow Permit, Authorize, Consent
43 Alien Foreigner, Stranger
44 Alliance Coalition, Confederation, Union, League
45 Amass Accumulate, Gather, Store, Heap up, Hoard
46 Amazement Astonishment, Confusion, Surprise
47 Ameliorate Improve, Better, Reform
48 Amiable Lovable, Pleasing, Attractive, Agreeable
49 Ample Enough, Broad, Capacious
50 Anguish Agony, Pain, Suffering
51 Ancient Aged, Old, Obsolete
52 Annihilate Destroy, Finish
53 Announce Declare, Proclaim, Reveal, Advertise, Notify
54 Annual Yearly
55 Answer Reply, Reaction, Explanation
56 Antagonist Adversary, Hostile, Unfriendly
57 Anxiety Anguish, Worry, Care, Disquiet
58 Anticipate Forestall, Apprehend, Expect
59 Appeal Entreat, Request, Invoke
60 Apology Excuse, Pardon, Regret
61 Attack Aggression, Onslaught, Assault, Invasion
62 Attain Win, Gain, Achieve, Succeed
63 Arrogant Haughty, Proud, Insolent
64 Assent Consent, Agreement
65 Ascent Rise, Lift, Elevation, Upswing
66 Audacious Bold, Daring, Adamant
67 Augment Enlarge, Increase, Extend
68 Austere Rigorous, Severe
69 Authentic Accredited, Accepted, Reliable, Genuine
70 Avenge Take Revenge, Vindicate, Retaliate
71 Averse Loth, Disinclined
72 Awkward Blundiring, Clumsy, Ganche
73 Banish Oust, Expatriate, Evict, Exile
74 Bane Curse, Mischief, Harm Scourge
75 Barbarous Wild, Uncivilized
76 Bard Singer, Minstrel
77 Base Mean, Low
78 Battle Fight, Encounter, Conflict
79 Beautiful Lovely, Charming, Pretty, Attractive
80 Beast Wild Animal, Brute, Creature
81 Beg Beseech, Entreat, Start
82 Bear Endure, Tolerate, Sustain, Suffer
83 Belief Trust, Faith, Credence, Confidence
84 Benefit Profit, Advantage, Gain, Good
85 Beneficent Generous, Liberal, Bounteous
86 Blame Accuse, Censure
87 Bleak Dismal, Blank, Exposed, Desolate
88 Bliss Felicity, Joy, Pleasure
89 Blunder Big Mistake, Error
90 Boisterous Clamorous, Hilarious, Noisy
91 Bold Fearless, Dauntless, Courageous
92 Boon Benediction, Favour, Blessing
93 Brawl Squabble, Noisy Quarrel
94 Brave Fearless, Courageous, Bold, Valiant
95 Brevity Conciseness, Concision, Economy
96 Brutal Savage, Cruel, Callous
97 Build Construct, Make
98 Busy Engaged, Engrossed, Occupied
99 Breach Violence, Rift
100 Boundary Border, Confines, Limit, Frontier, Barrier
101 Calculation Compute, Count, Enumerate
102 Calm Quiet, Placid, Pacific, Serene
103 Calumny Slander, Defamation
104 Candid Frank, Blunt, Outspoken
105 Capture Arrest, Nab, Apprehend
106 Captive Prisoner, Convict
107 Castle Fort, Citadel
108 Change Shift, Alter, Exchange, Convert
109 Champion Supporter, Defender, Protector, Victor
110 Charming Attractive, Enchanting
111 Chaste Clean, Pure, Undefiled, Virtuous
112 Cheerful Happy, Joyful
113 Chide Reproach, Scold, Admonish, Rebuke
114 Clear Lucid, Evident, Open, Plain
115 Catch Grab, Grasp
116 Clever Skilful, Dexterous, Able, Ingenious
117 Collision Clash, Impact, Encounter, Conflict
118 Comfortable Agreeable, Cheerful, Genial
119 Compel Oblige, Force, Constrain, Coerce
120 Complain Grumble, Grunt, Growl, Croak, Murmur
121 Complete Entire, Whole, One
122 Compromise Conciliation, Agreement, Settlement
123 Commend Praise, Approve, Compliment, Applaud
124 Conceal Shroud, Hide, Veil, Disguise
125 Concern Anxiety, Solicitude, Import, Worry
126 Condemn Blame, Denounce, Reprove, Censure
127 Confess Accept, Concede, Disclose, Admit, Grant
128 Conflict Fight, Clash, Strife, Collision
129 Congratulate Felicitate
130 Conquer Vanquish, Rout, Subdue, Beat, Crush
131 Conscious Aware, Assured, Certain
132 Consolation Comfort, Solace, Hopefulness, Sympathy
133 Consider Think, Deem
134 Contain Receive, Include, Comprise, Hold
135 Continual Continuous, Constant, Ceaseless, Incessant
136 Contrast Differentiate, Compare, Oppose
137 Contribute Assist, Help, Subscribe, Give
138 Convert Change, Remove
139 Convey Transfer, Shift, Transport
140 Convict Criminal, Captive, Prisoner
141 Copious Plentiful, Abundant, Adequate, Ample
142 Corrupt Dishonest, Debased, Pervert, Demoralised
143 Costly Precious, Valuable
144 Couple Pair, Duo, Brace
145 Courage Boldness, Bravery, Audacity, Valour
146 Criminal Guilty, Vile, Sinful, Nefarious, Culpable
147 Cultivate Grow, Farm, Develop, Foster
148 Cunning Clever, Wicked
149 Curtail Shorten, Reduce, Diminish, Abate
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