The Problem of Indiscipline Among Students : English Essay, Article, Paragraph For Students

The Problem of Indiscipline Among Students : English Essay, Article, Paragraph For Students Exams

Our educational institutions have become hot beds of indiscipline and rowdyism. Students go on strike on slight pretext, they insult teachers, threaten invigilators if they check them from copying. But we cannot blame the students alone for this growing indiscipline. The primary cause of indiscipline among students are the political parties which make use of students for their own ends. Our educational system is such that students fail to get suitable jobs after completing their education. Besides, there is no personal tough between teachers and students because our classes are over-crowded.

Moreover, people who have no taste for teaching take to the teaching profession. Unhealthy social conditions are also responsible for indiscipline among students. Though the problem is a difficult one and the indiscipline is fast spreading, yet it is not such as cannot be solved. Only we need a will and strong determination to solve it.

To solve this problem, we must keep the politics out of schools and colleges. Teachers and students should not be allowed to take part in politics. Political parties must take pledge not to use students to achieve their political end. Only highly qualified persons should be appointed as teachers. There must be no reservation of posts of teachers for any class or community. Salaries of teachers should be raised to attract well-qualified persons to this profession. Over-crowding in classes must be avoided.

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