Most Important Idioms and Phrases With Answers For All Competitive Exams Part 11

401. Donkey’s years : a long time

402. Within a stone’s throw : at a short distance

403. Cut the Gordian knot : removed the difficulty

404. For good : permanently

405. Let sleeping dogs lie : do not bring up an old controversial issue

406. Nailed their colours to their mast : refused to climb down

407. In Dutch : in trouble

408. Off and on : often

409. Close shave : a narrow escape from danger

410. Put up with : bear patiently

411. All our might and main : full force

412. Teething problems : difficulties at the start

413. Taken to task : get an official reprimand

414. Around the clock : day and night

415. Added fuel to the fire : worsened the difficult situation

416. Alpha and Omega : beginning and end

417. For good : permanently

418. Iron fist : strictly

419. In the long run : over a period of time

420. At random : without any aim

421. Red herrings : clues intended to distract or mislead

422. Read between the lines : to understand the inner meaning

423. Bury the hatchet : forget the quarrels

424. Be a Penelope’s Web : Endless

425. Read between the lines : know what the writer thinks

426. Gerrymandering way : in a manipulative and unfair way

427. Was plain sailing : was very easy

428. Bore down upon : moved quickly towards

429. Foam at the mouth : angry

430. Broke off : suddenly stopped

431. Smelt the rat : suspected that something is fishy

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432. Knows how many beans make five : well informed and intelligent

433. Bring about : cause to happen

434. A man of straw : a man of no substance

435. Watching grass grow : very boring

436. To gather roses only : to seek all enjoyments of life

437. Above board : honest

438. Took exception : objected

439. Above board : without any secret

440. Keep the wolf from the door : keep away extreme poverty