Essay on A Postman in English Language for Schools’ Exams

Short Essays on A Postman in English Language for Schools’ Exams.

A postman is a very useful public servant. He wears a khaki uniform. He brings us good and bad news. He carries with him letters, parcels, money-orders etc. He goes to the post office in the morning. There he sorts the ‘Dak’, arranges the letters house-wise and shop-wise. Then he starts for his beat to deliver the ‘Dak’. Rain or shine, cold or snowy and stormy weather he is on his feet.

He has to go a second time to the post-office in the afternoon for the evening delivery of the ‘Dak’. He has very few holidays and almost no leisure to enjoy his life. He works very hard. He is a low paid public servant. The lot of the village postman is even harder. He goes from village to village to deliver the ‘Dak’ even in the rough weather. Many people eagerly and anxiously wait for him. Some people give him a small tip if he brings them good news.

Some bad people curse him when he brings them sad news. However, the poor fellow leads a very hard life and finds it difficult to make his both ends meet. The government must do something to improve his lot.

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