Dowry System in India Essay/Paragraph in English Language for School Exams

Dowry System in India Essays/Paragraphs/Articles in English Language for School Exams.

Every day, we read in the columns of the newspaper about the cases of bride-burning. These ghastly incidents are heart-rending. They cast a bad name on Indian society. The cause behind all these cases in mostly dowry system. The parents of a girl have to pay heavy amounts to the parents of the bride-groom, if they went to see their daughters comfortably married and settled in life.

Exorbitant amounts in the form of cash, jewellery and various items of luxury are demanded and they have to be paid even if the bride’s parents have to self their houses and other assets. We forget for a moment that a good life partner is a great fortune and dowry by herself. But these days dowry is given greater consideration than the girl. Even if the huge dowry has been paid, and the demands of the other party have been entirely met, there is no guarantee that the daughter will enjoy a happy conjugal life in the home of her greedy in-laws.

Additional demands are constantly made and brides are subjected to untold of torture and suffering. That is why in recent times many a blooming girl has sacrificed her life at the altar of dowry. It has ruined the happy lives of young couples. It is a cause behind the broken homes. Many bright girls do away with their lives just to relieve their parents from this social evil. At this hour of our social peril the educated young men must come forward to wage a war against this evil. It is our moral duty to shun and socially boycott the dowry-seekers.

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