Reading Books is A Good Habit or Benefits of Reading Books : Articles/Essays in English Language for Student Exams

Reading Books is A Good Habit or Benefits of Reading Books : Article/Essay in English for Student Exams

Book reading is a good habit. It enhances our knowledge and widens our horizons. We come face to face with new technique and mythologies going on around the world. Here we must choose those books which create healthy effect on us. In the present age, one has a lot of written material. So the choice becomes a difficult task. We should be careful enough what we choose. Certain books spread poison and vitiate our life.

We should keep them at arm’s length. We should select only those books which stand true all the time. Books written by great scholars, master-minds, philosophers, academicians enhance our knowledge. They ennoble our soul and remove darkness from the mind. These can provide peace and spiritual enjoyments. These provide us much fun and frolic and entertain us with rich laughter.

Books are our perennial friends & guides. When we are sitting dull & bore, the books are at our help. They represent our glorious culture & set high moral standard before all. They are the best companions and great comrades. They open a new window to see the world outside.

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Books keep us well informed about changes of the world. They inform us about the new problem of our age. So we should read them carefully without closing our doors to read them.