Full Essay on Price Rising/Price Hike | Price Rising in India Essay in English Language

Full Essay on Price Rising/Price Hike. Price Rising in India Essay in English Language for School Students Exams.

The problem of rising prices is a very big economical problem in a country today. Price rise is the term used to denote a rise in the price of goods and services. The economic term for rising prices is inflation. The problem of rising prices is common all over the world. Prices of everything are skyrocketing, even of the essential commodities like vegetables, fruits, pulses, edible oils, grains, petrol, etc. The rapid increase in prices of essential commodities is causing anxiety among the people. In the last two decades, the costs of almost all the essential commodities have been rising at an alarming rate. Middle-class families are suffering a lot because of the rapid increase in prices.

India faces quite a few challenges because of price rising as India is the second-largest population in the world. A large part of the Indian population lives on or below the poverty line and the rising prices impact them severely. There are people who are not able to buy a two-time meal. A price rise in the households’ items affects the consumer more.

Middle-class families who earn a fixed income are unable to keep up with the constant increases in prices of necessary goods and commodities. Prices go up but their wages remain the same and, therefore, they have to either spend more or have to give up on certain goods entirely. Various factors cause a rise in prices such as Rapid Population Growth, Income Increase, Inadequate Agricultural Output, etc. An increase in prices automatically affects the lives of the general population. Government should control hikes in prices so that the situation doesn’t become unbearable for the common man.

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