Essays Writing in English: An Election Scene – English Language Short Essay/Articles Writing

Essays Writing in English: An Election Scene – English Language Short Essay/Articles Writing

For the grand success of democracy, we elect our representatives through elections. So they find a very significant place in our country. We held elections of Parliament, State Assemblies, local bodies and other unions. This is the best process of governance to elect our representatives.

Contesting candidates start campaigning for votes several days in advance. They hold corner meetings. The Election Commission selects election sites where the Battle of Ballot is fought. It presents a very lively scene. Voters visit the election booths in different dresses. The contesting candidates pitch their tents outside the booth.

The campaigners entice the voters. We can see long queues of voters before the election spot. This is their day. A strict police arrangement is made to avoid any eventually. They maintain law and order at all costs.