Diwali Festival in Our Locality : Essay Writing in English Language


Short Article / Paragraph / Essay on the Topic “ Diwali Festival Celebrated in Our Locality “ in English Language for Students’ Exams

Our locality is inhabited by the people of many religions like Hindus, Sikhs, Muslims, Parsees and Christians. All live like brothers, and love each other. All festivals like Diwali, Holi, Gurupurab, Eid, Christmas etc are celebrated jointly and happily. This year, we celebrated Diwali festival in a peculiar way. A week before the festival, many great preparations were made. All the houses, shops, streets were swept clean together. All the houses and shops were white washed and fully decorated. All homes were illuminated in an identical manner. It was a sight for Gods to see. Sweets and dinner were prepared and taken together.

All people of the locality contributed equally. At night, fireworks were displayed by one and all. Crackers were burst in a big way. All enjoyed the fun. The day itself was marked with great rejoicing and merry making. Goddess of Wealth, Lakshmi was worshiped in the community hall. With it the festival came to a close. This festival of lights has great advantages. The burning ‘Sarson’ Oil (Mustard Oil) purifies the atmosphere and kills insects that breed during the rainy season. People forget old enmities and come closer to each other and drown their sorrows in an atmosphere of enjoyment and happiness.

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