Common Health Hazards : English Short Essays / Articles for Student Exams

Due to lack of time, people have become addicted to fast food. Even the students do not bring lunch for the recess. They most often skip out from the classes and take foods, snacks or other eatables from the vendors standing outside the school gate. They do not understand their optimum food value but like them because of their tongue taste. This results in illness and other ailments because they eat unhygienic food. They fail to recognize its use.

We can often see them enjoy cheap ice-cream and ice-lollies. They fail to understand that these ice-creams are prepared in ill-refrigerated places out of dirty ice, skimmed milk powder and harmful coloring. They contain chemicals and cause damage to our body. In fact these are the invitations towards diseases. In order to satisfy their thirst, they take sugar cane juice which is constantly visited by files.

The sugarcane sticks lie in the dirty water and the juice in turn gives birth to Jaundice, Dysentery or Typhoid. They also like eatable like fried potatoes and samosas. The oil and the potatoes are of low quality. They use impure and adulterated oil which causes Diarrhea and Dysentery.

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Fruit Chaats is another health hazard for the students. We should guard against these items as these are the breeders of health problems.

We should always eat fresh and hygienic food that keeps us healthy and free from diseases.