Work is Worship ( Key to Success ) : Essay Writing in English Language

Short article / paragraph writing on the topic “Work is Worship (Key to Success or Success Factors)” in English Language for exams

“Blessed is he who has found his work; let him ask no other blessedness”, says Thomas Carlyle. Work, indeed is the true worship of God. A person who works sincerely for a noble cause is respected by his fellowmen and loved by God. An ideal brain is a devil’s workshop. A life without useful work is not worth living. Work spares us from three great evils. They are boredom, vice and need. The key of the success is the hard and honest work. All great men rose to fame and fortune by dint of hard work, and dedication. The richest and the most powerful nations in the world are the most diligent and industrious. Tagore found God where the humble workers work honestly. “Rest is a rust”, says Nehru. Honest work gives supreme joy and peace of mind, and brings us towards the way of success.

Honest assiduousness never goes unrewarded and the efforts of a man or woman who labours hard are sure to be crowned with success, sooner or later. Man is so made that he must work throughout his life and can’t be happy, if he is forced to remain idle. Apart from this, work keeps us physically and mentally fit. If a man or woman ceased to exert his whole physical and mental system is afflicted with diseases of various kinds and he dies a premature death. Our mind and body get rusty without doing any work. In short, man lives in the deeds he does. Hence, it has rightly been said, “Work is Worship”.