Television (TV) A Boon or Bane : English Language Essay, Article, Paragraph For Students

Nobody can deny that the Television (TV) is one of the most wonderful inventions of science. It is rather an improvement over radio broadcasting through which we can only hear the speech and songs, dramas and discussions etc.

In the modern age, television has become indispensable for everyone. None of the houses is complete without a television set as it renders an invaluable service (huge knowledge, entertainment etc) to the society.

Television is a good medium of providing information and knowledge, and make people aware with what is happening around the world. The things which we were not able to see before our eyes can now be seen on the television screen. It is due to the television that the children of today have huge spectrum of knowledge than their counterparts have in the past. Even an uneducated person can learns a lot and gets full knowledge about everything.

Our farmers, villagers, women and even the people who work as labour have been much benefited through the use of television. Their thinking ideologies, standard of living and means have improved a lot. Their visions and outlooks have undergone a great change, and have given a zoom to their way of thinking. In the schools, colleges and other educational institutions, the Television has become very popular as it is a good medium for learning and entertainment, and very helpful for studying many subjects because there are many education channel available for students who teach in live classes. Television also helps to keep boredom away from the students, and educational programs create an entertaining and healthy learning environment.

Television also plays an important role in improving the capability of students who have low I.Q. level because students find the television teaching more effective, interesting and entertaining. Students have been fully motivated by watching educational programs and have started taking interest in the studies.

Nowadays, we are surrounded with the problems of provincialism, communalism, regionalism and terrorism. Here the television is working wonder in educating the common people. It is a very valuable and sound medium of instruction to the general public.

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But every rose has thorns because excess of everything is always bad. If it is used extensively, it will bear a direct impact on eyesight, and can cause other health issues. Vulgar visuals and vulgar songs (includes bad or abusive words) have a bad effect on the viewers, particularly on the children and students.

There is nothing wrong with the use of television, but improper or extensive use can put us into difficulties, and can create many problems including health, social as sometimes people become addicted of all this and disconnect with the society i.e. from the outer world. At last, we can say that television (TV) is good for everyone and we should use it for knowledge, entertainment, news etc. We should avoid extensive watching, and shouldn’t be an addicted of it.