Role of Newspapers : Full Article & Essay English Language For Students


Newspapers are highly important in our daily lives. Nowadays, the world is becoming more and more competitive day by day, and we cannot deny that the newspapers are playing very important role in our life. It is a printed material that contains public views and news. Now as the technology is growing, we can get many newspapers in digital forms on our mobile phone, laptops, tablets etc.

Team of Every newspaper tries to win the loyalty of its readers by presenting variety of materials in the shape of interesting articles, cartoons, pictures and moral stories. It is a mode of expressing and achieving public opinion. Every newspaper is based on criticism and exposes of those who abuse their authority. They reflect public opinion in different ways. In India press is of great importance. It works like an open air theatre to know the public opinion. In India, number of newspaper readers is very high.

In the newspaper we find multiple ideas and sometimes they are proven to be very helpful in solving our daily life problems. People read their choicest articles, stories and other interesting section of the newspapers. Businessmen read news pertaining to their business. A politician will read headings in general from page to page. But we cannot deny the importance of a newspaper for all age and professional groups. The papers convey to us upcoming and running policies and programmes of the government. In a way they are the chain of action and reaction. In a democracy press has a major role to play as it is considered as the mirror of the society, government, politics and others. They enlighten us what is happening around the world.

The newspapers can make and mark the government. Thus through the newspapers, planning, policies and every action of the government are conveyed to the people and in turn people give opinion or criticise them. In this way, newspapers are a chain of action and reaction. In a democracy the role of press is of permanent importance which awaken the public about day to day events. The newspapers play a positive and very constructive role. Certain newspapers indulge in sub-standard journalism and discord. The newspapers have a noble mission of enlightening people, broadening their views and discouraging communal trends. The newspapers can make and break the governments as they have capability to reach the large number of population of the country.

In reality, the newspapers is the watch-dog of human rights, so we call it the fourth estate in the age of democracy. It is the champion of the underdog and the downtrodden. It is one of the strongest pillars of a free nation, and works like an eye of the public.

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When we analyse the word ‘NEWS’ we get N, E, W and S. Here ‘N’ stands for the North Direction, ‘E’ stands for East Direction, ‘W’ stands for West Direction and ‘S’ stands for South Direction. In this way the newspaper covers all the important events and the incidents happening round the four directions of the world. Newspapers are also very important for the schools’ students, college students and competitive exams candidate as they are rich in knowledge that help candidates to crack their examinations. At last we can say that newspapers play very important role in our life.