Life in A Big City : Short Essay in English Language


Short paragraph on the topic Life in A Big City in English Language for students.

Inspite of the hardships and difficulties experienced by the city dwellers, most people prefer to live in a big city. Thousands of people come from the villages to live in big cities. Really the city life exercises a great fascination on the people living in the rural areas. They envy their friends and relatives who live in big cities. The city appears to them an epitome of modernity.

Life in a big city has many advantages. A big city is the centre of education. Every kind of education, literal or vocational, is within easy reach of persons living in big cities. Good and well-equipped educational institutions are spread all over in a big city. There public libraries. There are auditoriums where public lectures by eminent scholars are organized. City life provides every facility for higher education.

Ready availability of medical aid is another advantage of life in a big city. There are government hospitals, equipped with the latest medical instruments. There are private hospitals and nursing homes. Then there are well qualified and highly competent private medical practitioners.

There are countless means of recreation in a big city. In the evening one can pass pleasant hours in a cinema hall, theatre, shopping centre, hotel or restaurant. One can stroll leisurely in the public parks. From time to time, exhibitions, conferences, functions, sports meets and test matches are held in a big city. They add colour and variety to the city life.

All the modern amenities provided by science are available in a big city. There are houses with flush latrines, shower baths, refrigerators, air conditioners, television sets and numberless other electric gadgets. All this makes life in a big city more comfortable and luxurious.

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Life in a big city is more secure because there are countless avenues of employment here. One has far better chances of earning money a big city, provided on has tact and initiative.

But this is only one side of the picture. People living in a big city have to face many hardships also. There is an acute housing problem. Most of the people have to live in slum areas. Then there is the problem of conveyance. Life in a big city is exceedingly unhealthy. The houses are neither airy nor spacious. There are no open spaces. The stuffs and adulteration pose another problem to the people living in big cities. Life in a big city is full of noise and bustle. Here people are self centred. Everybody is lost in his work. He has no time to talk even to his neighbors. People do not share joys and sorrows of their neighbors. They lead artificial lives.