If I Were The Principal of My School – Essay in English Language


If I were principal of my school, I would leave no stone unturned to make my institution an ideal one. Maintenance of discipline by making rounds in the institution will be my first priority. Physical education will be made compulsory for all students. Medical examinations and Psychological sessions will be held regularly. I will see that there is well managed and first rate library containing the most up to date books on all subjects.

In my school, there will be provisions for moral and religious teachings. I will make the students acquire habits of culture and citizenship. I will also discourage extravagance by teaching the principle of simple living and high thinking. I will give equal emphasis on cultural and co-curricular activities in order to develop all round personality of the students.

Above all, I will manage the institution by love, sympathy and affection and not by authority and rule. I will not work in haste to bring about these reforms. They will be introduced gradually but steadily. I shall work with the co-operation of the teachers and the students. I will administer my school not only by authority but also by love, sympathy and affection. Such is the school of my dreams.


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