Dowry System : Short Essay in English Language For Students


Short paragraph on Dowry System in English Language For Students.

The dictionary meaning of the term ‘dowry’ (‘dahej’ in Hind) is the property which a woman brings to her husband at marriage. The dowry system must be as old as the institution of marriage itself. It is a kind of help given to the newly married couple from bride’s parents to start life afresh in a new home. But now it has become a great social evil. The result is that what at one time was a token of love and affection has now become exaction. This cruel dowry system has brought about financial ruin to many girl’s parents. Many a girl has even remained without a partner in life because of this evil. If a bride does not bring sufficient dowry with her, she is abused, taunted and harassed by her-in-laws.

There are several instances of girl’s having done away with their lives due to ill treatment meted out to them by their in-laws. We daily read in the columns of the press about the young girls who are burnt or murdered or forced to commit suicide. Dowry system is an evil which is spreading like cancer alludes cure in spite of the stringent anti-dowry laws enacted by the government. Sometimes it leads to divorce. Ant it is our great misfortune that no one likes to marry divorced woman in Hindu society. It should be borne in mind that law alone cannot root out this social evil (dowry system). Herculean efforts are needed to root out this cancerous disease of the India society. But there are young men who make no demand whatever for dowry. They refuse to sell themselves for money considerations.

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