Computer and Its Uses, Benefits Full Essay in English Language For Students

Science and Technology is being developed day by day, and we cannot forget the comforts and easiness provided by it. It will not be an exaggeration if I mention the name of the computer that helps in giving accurate and quick solutions to our complicated and complex problems. The invention and development of the computer and technology is the result of constant efforts of the scientists and all this credit goes to Charles Babbage, the Father of the Computer.

No doubt, internet has become the soul of the computer, and its users are magically increasing day by day all around the world. With the help of the internet, we can send email, get any information related to anything, read news online, book tickets, and online chat with friends and family. With the help of the computer and internet now we can send any information anywhere in the world in just a fraction of seconds.

The system of computer and technology is based on the intelligence of computer scientists. We feed the raw data into the computer, and in just a click we get the accurate answers. The computer and technology system helps us in finding future possibilities of the machines and products produced already. Today the scientists, doctors, engineers etc use computers to know as to how we can make our life better, and get better atmosphere for the existence of human on our planet. Now, the computers make us aware about an earthquake, an accident of air and water. Weather forecasts are done by the computers that helps us to make our people alert before any natural calamity.

The use of computer is increasing day by day. It collects the raw data and selects correct answers i.e. meaningful information. The computer can also do figure work on a large scale. All the big organization, institutions and government offices use computers for their pay rolls, accounts, office work, reports preparation etc. The Indian Railways, Hospitals, Air Traffic Departments etc have computerized their function in various divisions to provide the secure and better services to the public. By using computers many big and developed countries are solving their industrial, commercial and climate problems. In many countries, the traffic is being controlled with the help of the computers.

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But as the computer is a machine, it has to get help from human brain. Whatever computer does is programmed by the human brain because computer cannot think and do anything itself i.e. with its own thinking. Computer and technology also helps youths to get the employment in various offices because they are using computers for their office work. So everyone wants to learn how to operate computer. But it is feared that it would one day crate unemployment. Otherwise invention of computer has solved our many problems.