World Geography Selected Questions and Answers Set 4

Q.1:- What is meant by the term “Midnight Sun” ?

  1. Twilight
  2. Rising Sun
  3. Very Bright Moon
  4. Sun Shining in the Polar Circle for long time

Q.2:- Day and Night are equal at the ?

  1. Prime Meridian
  2. Antarctic
  3. Equator
  4. Poles

Q.3:- A difference of 1 degree in longitude at the Equator is equivalent to nearly ?

  1. 101 km
  2. 111 km
  3. 121 km
  4. 125 km

Q.4:- In the Sun, heat and light are produced by ?

  1. Biological Reactions
  2. Chemical Reactions
  3. Nuclear Reactions
  4. Ionic Reactions

Q.5:- Why do we have a leap year every four years ?

  1. The Earth gets shifted out of orbit every four years
  2. The revolution slows down a little once every four years
  3. The length of a year is not an integer number of days
  4. It is a convention

Q.6:- Quartz composed of which two elements ?

  1. Iron and Magnesium
  2. Iron and Oxygen
  3. Oxygen and Silicon
  4. Silicon and Iron

Q.7:- The most abundant element is ?

  1. Silicon
  2. Calcium
  3. Nitrogen
  4. Oxygen

Q.8:- The concept of Ice Age was first put forward by ?

  1. Louis
  2. Jean De Charpentier
  3. James Geike
  4. De Geer
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Q.9:- Earthquake is caused by ?

  1. Disturbance of Earth Surface
  2. Adjustment of layers of Earth Crust
  3. Breakage of rock system
  4. Upliftment of rocks

Q.10:- Hawaii Islands are known for active volcanoes because ?

  1. They are located in the subduction zone of covering plates
  2. Faults and fractures are found there
  3. They are situated over a hot plume
  4. They are situated on a mild oceanic ridge with rising convective currents

Q.11:- The study of lakes is called ?

  1. Limnology
  2. Potomology
  3. Topology
  4. Hydrology

Q.12:- Contour line is the imaginary line joining places of equal ?

  1. Elevation
  2. Temperature
  3. Rainfall
  4. Humidity

Q.13:- Sedimentary rocks are formed when sediments become compressed and cemented together in a process known as ?

  1. Crystallisation
  2. Sedimentation
  3. Solidification
  4. Lithification

Q.14:- Sedimentary rocks are characterised by ?

  1. Startification
  2. Crystalline nature
  3. Coarse texture
  4. Previous nature

Q.15:- The formation of ‘Mushroom Rock’ in desert region is an example of ?

  1. Abrasion
  2. Erosion
  3. Deflation
  4. Attrition

Q.16:- Ice cap is applied to ?

  1. It is applied to an ice plate limited to high mountains and plateaus
  2. It is applied to an ice plate confined to hills
  3. It is applied to an ice place to the mountain of medium height
  4. None of these
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Q.17:- Playas are depressions formed due to ?

  1. Deflating action of winds
  2. Glacial Erosion
  3. River Erosion
  4. Marine Erosion

Q.18:- The plain formed due to coalescence of series of alluvial fans in the piedmont zone is known as ?

  1. Pediment
  2. Bajada
  3. Pediplan
  4. Hamada

Q.19:- Which one of the following is depositional landform ?

  1. Stalagmite
  2. Lapis
  3. Sinkhole
  4. Cave

Q.20:- Which Island is a part of the Australian State ?

  1. Tasmania
  2. Santa Cruz Island
  3. New Guinea
  4. Loyalty Island

Q.21:- Rift Valley or Grabin is the result of ?

  1. Faulting
  2. Earthquake
  3. Presence of lakes in the surrounding area
  4. None of these

Q.22:- When does escarpment develop ?

  1. When a block steps down along a fault plane
  2. When a block moves down vertically along a fault plane
  3. When a block moves horizontally along a fault plane
  4. When a block moves upward along a fault plane
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Q.23:- Dome mountains are results of ?

  1. Faulting
  2. Folding
  3. Intrusion of Magma
  4. Friction at the joints of the rocks

Q.24:- ‘Water Table’ refers to ?

  1. The lower limit of the zone of saturation
  2. The upper limit of the zone of saturation
  3. Seepage of water into fissures lying underground
  4. The contact zone of the permeable and impermeable rocks

Q.25:- The ocean relief is generally ?

  1. More diverse than that of the continents
  2. More uniform than that of the continents
  3. Showing minor variations only
  4. Not much of a significance