World Geography Selected Questions and Answers Set 7

Q.1:- Scale used for recording weather condition is known as ?

  1. Hydrometer
  2. Hygrometer
  3. Opisometer
  4. Centigrade

Q.2:- Equatorial lowland usually experience ?

  1. A large diurnal temperature range
  2. Heavy thunder rain in the afternoon
  3. Strong winds
  4. Cold nights

Q.3:- Because of which one of the following factors, clouds do not precipitate in deserts ?

  1. Low Pressure
  2. Low Humidity
  3. High Wind Velocity
  4. High Temperature

Q.4:- Humidity is the result of ?

  1. Evaporation
  2. Transpiration
  3. Presence of heat
  4. Presence of moisture content in the air

Q.5:- “Climate is extreme, rainfall is scanty and the people used to be nomadic herder”.

The above statement best describes which of the following regions ?

  1. African Savannah
  2. Central Asian Steppe
  3. North American Prairie
  4. Siberian Tundra

Q.6:- Which of the following instrument is used to measure humidity ?

  1. Kata Thermometer
  2. Anemometer
  3. Sling Psychrometer
  4. Clinical Thermometer

Q.7:- Tsunamis are produced by ?

  1. Shrinking of the Earth’s crust
  2. Cyclones
  3. Submarine Earthquakes
  4. Tides

Q.8:- A cold local wind draining occasionally down the Rhone valley is known as ?

  1. Chinook
  2. Mistral
  3. Bora
  4. Blizzard
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Q.9:- If the atmosphere is cooled its capacity for water vapour is ?

  1. Lowered
  2. Increased
  3. Constant
  4. None of the above

Q.10:- The dry wind ‘Santa Ana’ blows in ?

  1. Siberia
  2. Argentina
  3. Switzerland
  4. California

Q.11:- The hot dust-laden wind blowing from Sahara desert to Mediterranean region is called the ?

  1. Chinook
  2. Fohn
  3. Mistral
  4. Sirocco

Q.12:- Hurricanes are also called ………….. in Australia ?

  1. Baguio
  2. Willy Willy
  3. Taifu
  4. Typhoon

Q.13:- The game country is the name given to ?

  1. Tropical grassland region
  2. Mid-Latitude forest region
  3. Rain – forest region
  4. Mid-Latitude grassland region

Q.14:- Hail is the product of ?

  1. Thunder Storm
  2. Water Droplets
  3. Frost
  4. Mist

Q.15:- The ‘Eye’ of the cyclone has ?

  1. Abnormally high temperature and lowest pressure
  2. Abnormally low temperature and pressure
  3. Clear sky and lowest temperature
  4. Dense cloud cover and low pressure

Q.16:- The cyclones of temperate latitude differ from those of the tropics in a number of ways. Which one of the following is the most prominent of them all ?

  1. Their Size is far greater
  2. They are caused by frontal system whereas the tropical cyclones are not
  3. These occur more frequently
  4. The precipitation is more evenly distributed in a temperate cyclone
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Q.17:- The most suitable measure for soil conservation is ?

  1. Afforestation
  2. Irrigation
  3. Crop rotation
  4. Contour farming

Q.18:- What happens to the soil, where soil water freezes and it tends to form ice layers parallel with the ground surface ?

  1. It heaves the soil upward in an uneven manner
  2. It heaves the soil downward in an uneven manner
  3. It heaves the soil both upward and downward in an even manner
  4. It remains unaffected

Q.19:- The main cause of Kalahari being a desert is ?

  1. The cold current near the coast
  2. Its location on the west coast in the tropics
  3. Its location in the tropics
  4. That its people primitive

Q.20:- In which country is ‘Takla Makan’ desert situated ?

  1. Kazakhstan
  2. Turkmenistan
  3. Uzbekistan
  4. China
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Q.21:- Which one of the following deserts is famous for its deposits of Nitrates ?

  1. Atacama
  2. Kalahari
  3. Gobi
  4. Sahara

Q.22:- 95% of world’s diamond reserves are found in ?

  1. Ghana
  2. Kimberly
  3. Johannesburg
  4. Zambia

Q.23:- Which of the following is the major Copper producing country ?

  1. Indonesia
  2. Russia
  3. Sri Lanka
  4. Chile

Q.24:- Which one of the following minerals contains mostly Silica ?

  1. Mica
  2. Quartz
  3. Olivine
  4. Pyroxene

Q.25:- Energy that is produced commercially from coal is called ?

  1. Light Energy
  2. Kinetic Energy
  3. Thermal Energy
  4. Potential Energy