World Geography Selected Questions and Answers Set 8

Q.1:- Which country is known as Sugar Bowl of the World ?

  1. Cuba
  2. India
  3. Brazil
  4. S.A.

Q.2:- Rotation of crops is essential ?

  1. For increasing fertility of the soil
  2. For decreasing the quantity of proteins
  3. For decreasing the quantity of minerals
  4. For getting different kinds of crops

Q.3:- Which of the following resources is renewable one ?

  1. Uranium
  2. Coal
  3. Timber
  4. Natural Gas

Q.4:- Renewable energy can be obtained from ?

  1. Fossils
  2. Radioactive elements
  3. Biomass
  4. Natural gas

Q.5:- Bailing, mustering and shearing are some activities connected with ?

  1. Rearing of Lama
  2. Cotton cultivation
  3. Sheep rearing
  4. Poultry farming

Q.6:- The correct sequence of the types of farming which a surveyor will come across form Omaha to Chicago will be ?

  1. Livestock, Dairy, Grain
  2. Livestock, Grain, Dairy
  3. Grain, Mixed Farming, Dairy
  4. Grain, Livestock, Dairy

Q.7:- Rubber plantations are found in ?

  1. Temperate Forests
  2. Mountain Regions
  3. Polar Regions
  4. Equatorial Regions
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Q.8:- The most densely populated continent in the world is ?

  1. Asia
  2. Europe
  3. Africa
  4. America

Q.9:- Who of the following devoted himself to the study of the modes of life of Germans living outside Germany ?

  1. Ratzel
  2. Mackinder
  3. Jafferson
  4. Sauer

Q.10:- Weber’s model of industrial location has been usefully applied to interpret the changing location of the British ?

  1. Iron and Steel Industry
  2. Cotton Textile Industry
  3. Ship Building Industry
  4. Heavy Engineering Industry

Q.11:- Among the following, which country is reliant on a single export of oil / petroleum ?

  1. South Africa
  2. Zimbabwe
  3. Namibia
  4. Nigeria

Q.12:- Which one of the following does not represent the primitive gathering in the high latitudes ?

  1. Yukaghirs
  2. Yahgans
  3. Eskimos
  4. Auca India

Q.13:- Kampung is a form of rural settlement found in ?

  1. China
  2. Malaysia
  3. Philippines
  4. Cambodia

Q.14:- Which racial group has the largest number of members ?

  1. Negroid
  2. Mongoloid
  3. Australoid
  4. Caucasoid
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Q.15:- The Wallace’s Line distinguishes or separates the flora and fauna between ?

  1. Canada and USA
  2. Taiga region and Tundra region
  3. Mexico and Central America
  4. South-East Asia and Australasia

Q.16:- The area known as ‘Golan Heights’ sometimes appears in the news in the context of the events related to ? [CDS-(II) Exam 2015]

  1. Central Asia
  2. Middle East
  3. South-East Asia
  4. Central Africa

Q.17:- The capital of Rawanda is ? [SSC LDC Exam 2015]

  1. Libreville
  2. Copenhagen
  3. Bogota
  4. Kigali

Q.18:- In which one of the following basins is Taklamakan desert located ?

  1. Tarim Basin
  2. Lopnor Basin
  3. Kerulin Basin
  4. Red Basin

Q.19:- New capital of Myanmar is ? [BSSC Exam 2015]

  1. Yangon
  2. Mandalay
  3. Naypyidaw
  4. Kachin

Q.20:- The Amazon Basin remains a backward region because of its ?

  1. Lack of natural resources
  2. Inaccessibility
  3. Primitive tribal ways of life
  4. Climatic hazards

Q.21:- Which of the following regions is culturally closer to India but ethnically related to China ?

  1. Central Asia
  2. Polynesia
  3. West Asia
  4. South-East Asia
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Q.22:- Which country is known as the ‘Pearl of the East’ ?

  1. Nepal
  2. Bangladesh
  3. Bhutan
  4. Sri Lanka

Q.23:- Lake formed by Aswan Dam in Africa ?

  1. Chad
  2. Victoria
  3. Nassar
  4. Tanganyika

Q.24:- Name the capital of Fiji ? [BSSC Exams, 2015]

  1. Suva
  2. Port Louis
  3. Kingston
  4. Paramaribo

Q.25:- The headquarters of Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries is located in ? [SSC Sub Inspector Exam 2009]

  1. Vienna
  2. Riyadh
  3. Kuwait City
  4. Abu Dhabi