World Geography Selected Questions and Answers Set 10

Q.1:- Rift Valley is formed ?

  1. Between two anticlines
  2. Between two faults
  3. Erosion of synclinal basin
  4. Due to volcanic eruption

Q.2:- Erosion of soil by a river mainly depends upon ?

  1. Its depth
  2. Its length
  3. Its speed at which it flows
  4. Its width

Q.3:- Diorite is an example of ?

  1. Chemically formed sedimentary rock
  2. Extrusive Igneous rock
  3. Plutonic Igneous rock
  4. Metamorphic

Q.4:- Which one of the following types of spurs is typically associated with valley glaciers ?

  1. Interlocking
  2. Juxtaposed
  3. Overlapping
  4. Truncated

Q.5:- Alluvial cone is predominant in ?

  1. Coastal
  2. Piedmont Zone
  3. Delta Region
  4. Pediment Region

Q.6:- Fiords are very typical of the ?

  1. Alaskan Coast
  2. Spanish Coast
  3. Norwegian Coast
  4. Peruvian Coast

Q.7:- The challenger rise is located in ?

  1. The Pacific Ocean
  2. The India Ocean
  3. The Atlantic Ocean
  4. The Arctic Ocean

Q.8:- Lake formed in a cut off river meander is called ?

  1. Ox-Bow Lake
  2. Crater Lake
  3. Playa Lake
  4. Meteoric Lake
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Q.9:- Which one of the following ocean currents mixes with Labrador current ?

  1. Canaries current
  2. Benguela current
  3. Florida current
  4. California current

Q.10:- The eastward continuation of the Brazil current is called ?

  1. North Atlantic Drift
  2. South Atlantic Drift
  3. Counter Equatorial Drift
  4. West Atlantic Drift

Q.11:- What explains the eastward flow of the equatorial counter current ?

  1. The Earth’s rotation on its axis
  2. Convergence of the two equatorial currents
  3. Occurrence of the belt of calm near the equator
  4. Difference in salinity of water

Q.12:- Tidal range is quite high ?

  1. in equatorial regions of ocean
  2. in shallow continental shelves
  3. in narrow estuaries
  4. around island

Q.13:- Which of the following Seas has highest salinity in the world ?

  1. Mediterranean Sea
  2. Black Sea
  3. Dead Sea
  4. Red Sea

Q.14:- When water freeze in the polar seas the salts ?

  1. Form a layer on top
  2. Remain in the substance water that does not freeze
  3. Sink to the bottom
  4. Partly freeze and partly sink to the bottom
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Q.15:- Tides in the sea are caused by ?

  1. Effect of Sun
  2. Effect of Moon
  3. Combined effect of Moon and Sun
  4. Gravitational force of Earth and Sun

Q.16:- Which one among the following is a sea without having a coastline ?

  1. North Sea
  2. Sargasso Sea
  3. Baltic Sea
  4. Bering Sea

Q.17:- The continent having the largest area in the equatorial belt is ?

  1. Asia
  2. South America
  3. Africa
  4. North America

Q.18:- Pelagic deposits consist of ?

  1. Terrigenous materials
  2. Cosmic materials
  3. Inorganic materials
  4. Organic ooze materials

Q.19:- An algae type ocean deposit is ?

  1. Neritic remains
  2. Diatom Ooze
  3. Pteropod Ooze
  4. Pelagic Deposits

Q.20:- Name the continents that form a mirror image of each other ?

  1. North America and South America
  2. Asia and Africa
  3. Africa and South America
  4. Europe and Asia

Q.21:- Which from the following is a land-locked sea ?

  1. Red Sea
  2. Timor Sea
  3. North Sea
  4. Aral Sea
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Q.22:- The coral refers are the marine counterparts of ?

  1. Temperate forests
  2. Tropical rain forests
  3. Savannahs
  4. Scrubland

Q.23:- Where is the Dogger bank, which is a major fishing area, located ?

  1. North Pacific Ocean
  2. South Pacific Ocean
  3. North Sea
  4. South Atlantic Ocean

Q.24:- Which one of the following is not a line of demarcation between two countries ?

  1. Radcliffe Line
  2. MacMahon Line
  3. International Date Line
  4. Durand Line

Q.25:- The longest river in Asia is ?

  1. River Indus
  2. River Yangtze
  3. River Hwang Ho
  4. River Ganga