World Geography Selected Questions and Answers Set 5

Q.1:- In a solar or lunar eclipse, the region of Earth’s shadow is divided into ?

  1. Four Parts
  2. Five Parts
  3. Two Parts
  4. Three Parts

Q.2:- During the recent Venus transit (June 2012), the planet appeared as a tiny black circle moving on the Sun. The black colour on the Sun is because the planet ?

  1. Is black in colour
  2. Obstructed all light from the Sun
  3. Was invisible due to bright rays from the Sun
  4. Behaved as a black hole during its transit

Q.3:- The Earth revolves around the Sun in an elliptical path and the Sun is located at one focus of the ellipse. Imagine a situation in which the Earth goes around the Sun on a circular path. Which one among the following would result in under that situation ?

  1. It would not make any difference
  2. Difference between seasons will be reduced
  3. The Earth would become very hot
  4. The Earth would become very cold

Q.4:- The most abundant metal in the Earth’s Crust is ?

  1. Calcium
  2. Aluminium
  3. Iron
  4. Magnesium

Q.5:- It is reported that there is an ongoing decrease in the pH value of ocean water because of global warming. It happens due to ?

  1. Larger uptake of CO2 by ocean water
  2. Lester uptake of CO2 by ocean water
  3. Larger uptake of atmospheric Nitrogen by ocean water
  4. Lesser uptake of atmospheric Nitrogen by ocean water
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Q.6:- The cup shaped mouth of the volcano is ?

  1. Crater
  2. Cinder Cone
  3. Focus
  4. Epicentre

Q.7:- Earthquakes are cause d by ?

  1. Earth Revolution
  2. Tectonism
  3. Earth Rotation
  4. Denudation

Q.8:- Which is not a topography produced by volcanocity ?

  1. Cones
  2. Crater
  3. Caldera
  4. Cirque

Q.9:- Richter Scale is used for measuring ?

  1. Humidity of air
  2. Velocity of wind
  3. Intensity of earthquake
  4. Density of liquid

Q.10:- Mohorovicic discontinuity separates ?

  1. Upper mantle and lower crust
  2. Mantle and asthenosphere
  3. Inner solid core and outer liquid core
  4. Core and mantle

Q.11:- Which of the following is / are the correct characteristic(s) of primary seismic wave ?

  1. It is a longitudinal and compressional wave
  2. It is analogous to sound waves
  3. It travels with faster speed through solids but slowly through liquids
  4. All the above three

Q.12:- “Seismography” is the science of ?

  1. Rivers
  2. Earthquakes
  3. Mountains
  4. Volcanoes

Q.13:- ‘A valley of ten thousand smokes’ is the name given to a zone near the volcano ?

  1. Mauna Loa of Hawaii
  2. Pinatabu of Philippines
  3. Pelle in the Caribbean Sea
  4. Katmai of Alaska

Q.14:- The point on the Earth surface directly above the origin of an earthquake is known as ?

  1. Hypo Centre
  2. Prime Centre
  3. Epicentre
  4. Medi Centre
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Q.15:- Land jutting out into the sea is called ?

  1. Isthmus
  2. Island
  3. Strait
  4. Peninsula

Q.16:- When river is overloaded with fine sediments and river water is lighter than the seawater, which type of delta is formed ?

  1. Arcuate Delta
  2. Bird Foot Delta
  3. Truncated Delta
  4. Estuarine Delta

Q.17:- Give the name of the up folded rock ?

  1. Syncline
  2. Rift Valley
  3. Fault
  4. Anticline

Q.18:- Define Intermotaine plateau ?

  1. They are the outcome of volcanic activity
  2. Outcome of diastrophic activity
  3. They are the remains of certain mountains
  4. They are elevated segment of the earth crust

Q.19:- Which one of the following statements is not correct ?

  1. The largest known flood basalt region in the world is the Deccan trap area of peninsular India
  2. The largest flood basalt region in the United States of America is the Columbia Plateau
  3. The two shield volcanoes Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea have summit elevations of more than 6500 m above sea level
  4. The island of Hawaii includes at least seven coalesced volcanic domes

Q.20:- Which of the following Geomorphical pairs is not correct ?

  1. Cirque-Glacier
  2. Tombolo-Wave
  3. Delta River
  4. Sinkholes-Wind

Q.21:- The term ‘Truncated Spur’ is associated with which one of the following ?

  1. Aeolian Process
  2. Fluvial Process
  3. Glacial Process
  4. Weathering Process
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Q.22:- Plains formed by Aeolian deposits are called ?

  1. Loess Plains
  2. Till Plains
  3. Sandy Plains
  4. Flood Plains

Q.23:- Tidal range denotes the ? [UPSC CPF Exam 2009]

  1. Rise of sea water and its movement toward the coast
  2. Fall of sea water and its movement toward the sea
  3. Rise and fall of sea water due to gravitational forces
  4. Difference between high and low tide

Q.24:- Salinity in ocean water decreases when ?

  1. Evaporation is more
  2. Wind velocity is high
  3. Rainfall is heavy
  4. Humidity is high

Q.25:- Springs tides occur on ? [SSC CGL Exam 2015]

  1. The day when the moon’s position is in its first quarter
  2. New moon day only
  3. Full moon day only
  4. Full moon day as well as on new moon day