What Makes an Effective Leader ? 25 Good Leadership Qualities


Good leadership is a must requirement in order to delivery outputs with positive results. Irrespective of your profession, you will have to deal with persons at various levels at many times. Here are some points that will help you to deal with others in a better way:

  1. Always smile and be friendly with the team members
  2. Keep a personal touch in your dealings with the team members; remember their names; this will show that you care enough to find out his / her name no matter which position he/she occupies.
  3. Avoid to criticize, condemn or complain.
  4. Present your ideas in a way that will attract the attention of listeners.
  5. Try to make everyone feel that each one is an important part of the team.
  6. Always Invite suggestions from others.
  7. Show genuine interest in people
  8. Try to arouse in others the urge to do better.
  9. Talk in terms of the other person’s interests.
  10. Avoid / Don’t make unnecessary arguments.
  11. Show your respect for the opinions of others; never declare that you are right and the other person is wrong.
  12. If you are wrong, admit it frankly, apologise and try to make amends.
  13. Don’t monopolise the conversation or discussion; let others have their say as well.
  14. Try to see things from the other person’s point of view.
  15. Be a good listener; encourage others to talk about themselves.
  16. Always be sympathetic with the other person’s ideas and desires.
  17. Always be honest and sincere in your appreciation of others.
  18. Don’t single out someone for blame if something goes wrong.
  19. Give credit where it is due.
  20. Present others with challenges and encourage them to rise to the occasion.
  21. Call attention to mistakes indirectly.
  22. Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing others.
  23. First ask questions instead of giving direct orders.
  24. Make mistakes seem easy to correct as this will encourage them to avoid such mistake in future.
  25. Praise the slightest improvement, but praise every improvement.
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