What is Super Conductor ? How Does It Works ? Applications of Superconductors

What is Super Conductor How Does It Works Applications of Superconductors entranciology


Superconductivity is a phenomenon of complete disappearance of electrical resistance and appearance of diamagnetism (a property in which a substance repels magnetic lines of force) in certain solids when they are cooled to near absolute zero or very low temperature. The solids (electrical conductors) which show the phenomenon of superconductivity are called superconductors.

The applications of the superconductors:-

(1) Super conductors conduct electricity without any energy loss. They save electricity, when are used in place of conventional conductors.

(2) These are used in the memory components of computers.

(3) Superconductors are being used in medical diagnostics, e.g., in magnetic imaging devices like nuclear magnetic resonance (NRM), magnetic energy storage systems.

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(4) Super Conductors are being used in levitated trains for high speed trains.

(5) SQUIDs (Superconducting Quantum Interference Devices) can be used to take magnetic cardiograms based on magnetic fields generated by electrical currents in the heart.

(6) Superconductors are also being employed for under sea communication, submarine detection and geophysical prospecting.