Water and Fat Soluble Vitamins, Health Benefits, Functions, Sources, and Deficiency Diseases


List of the Water Soluble Vitamins and Fat Soluble Vitamins, and their Health Benefits, Functions, Sources, and symptoms due to prolonged deficiency.


S. No. Name of Vitamin Primary Function in the Human Body Major Dietary Source Symptoms from prolonged deficiency
List of Water Soluble Vitamins
1 Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) A coenzyme in Carbohydrate metabolism; required for changing Pyruvic Acid to Acetyl Eggs, legumes, meats, grains, Berri-Berri damage to heart tissue, nerve damage leading to the weakness of the muscles, pain and paralysis
2 Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) A coenzyme in Carbohydrate metabolism; part of FAD Eggs, meat, grains, dairy products, green leafy vegetables Scaly skin, cracks at corner of mouth, purple-red tongue
3 Vitamin B6 (Pyroxidine) A coenzyme in Amino Acid and Fatty Acid metabolism Meat, eggs, grains green leafy vegetables Nerve and muscular irritability, skin lesions, anaemia
4 Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) A coenzyme used in RNA / DNA synthesis and formation of Red Blood Cells (RBCs) Meat, eggs, dairy products Pernicious anaemia, nerve damage
5 Vitamin B3 (Niacin) A coenzyme in Carbohydrate metabolism; part of NAD Grains, meat, eggs, Pellagra, diarrhoea, skin damage, red and sore tongue
6 Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Collagen synthesis, antioxidant Fruits and vegetables Scurvy in which  bleeding gums can be noticed, poor wound healing, loosened teeth, weakness of muscles
7 Folic Acid A coenzyme in DNA / RNA synthesis and formation of Red Blood Cells (RBCs) Grains, leafy green vegetables, legumes, Anemia, Intestinal disturbances
8 Vitamin B7 (Biotin) A coenzyme used in the metabolism of fat, glycogen and some amino acids Meat, eggs, dairy products, grains legumes Drying of skin, muscular weakness and pain
9 Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic Acid) Part of coenzyme A Dairy products, meat, eggs, grains, legumes Intestinal disturbances, fatigue, anaemia
List of Fat Soluble Vitamins
1 Vitamin A Vision especially at night, and development of bones and teeth In dark green yellow vegetables, eggs Night blindness, dry skin
2 Vitamin D Promotes absorption of Calcium (Ca) and Phosphorus (P)  from the intestine Fish oil, fortified milk Rickets, Osteomalacia
3 Vitamin E Antioxidant Plant Oils Anaemia
4 Vitamin K Participates in blood clotting Meat, green vegetables (also produced by intestinal bacteria) Abnormal bleeding
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