Towns or Cities Associated with Important Industries or Factories in India, List of Industrial Centers In India

Full list of Towns or Cities Associated with Important Industries or Factories in India or List of Industrial Centers In India For All Civil Services Exams.

S. No. Town or City Names Associated Industries
1. Agra Stoneware, Carpets, Leather, and Marbles
2. Ahmedabad Cotton Textiles
3. Aligarh Cutlery, Locks and Dairy Industries
4. Ambala Scientific Goods
5. Amritsar Cloth-Printing, Woollen Goods, Shawls, Carpets
6. Bangalore Watches, Telephone, Aircraft Industry
7. Bareilly Match Factory, Rubber Factory, Wood Work
8. Bhagalpur Silk
9. Chennai Integral Coach Factory, Leather, Cigarette, Cotton
10. Mumbai Oil Refineries, Film Industry, Chemicals, Fertilizers, Woollen Goods, Cotton Manufacturing
11. Chittaranjan Electrical Locomotives
12. Churk Cement
13. Cochin Coffee, Coconut Oil, Ship Building
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14. Dalmianagar Cement
15. Darjeeling Tea, Orange
16. Delhi Textiles, Chemicals, Electronics, Sewing Machines
17. Dhariwal Woollen Goods
18. Firozabad Glass Bangles
19. Haridwar Heavy Electricals
20. Jamshedpur Iron and steel works, train coaches locomotives
21. Jallandhur Sports articles and surgical goods
22. Jaipur Ivory Work, Jewellery, Pottery, Brass Work, Cloth Painting
23. Kolkata Iron and Steel, Jute, Paper, Pottery
24. Kanpur Leather, Soap, Aircraft, Factories, Cotton, Woollen Mills, Iron, Flour Mills
25. Kolar Gold Fields
26. Lucknow Gold, Silver, Embroidery, Lac Work
27. Ludhiana Hosiery, Cycle
28. Mirzapur Pottery, Carpet, Stoneware and Brass
29. Moradabad Brassware, Cutlery, Enamel Industry
30. Karnataka Sandalwood Oil, Ivory Work, Silk Goods
31. Renukoot Hindustan Aluminium Works
32. Saharanpur Paper Mill
33. Srinagar Woodwork, Paper Machine, Embroidery, Woollen Shawls
34. Surat Cotton Textiles
35. Tarapur Atomic Power Plant
36. Titagarh Paper and Jute
37. Trombay Oil Refineries, Atomic Reactors
38. Varanasi Diesel Locomotives, Brass-Wares, Lac Bangles
39. Vishakhapatnam Ship Building
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