The Elephant’s Child Moral Story

“The Elephant’s Child” is a beloved tale by Rudyard Kipling, part of his collection of “Just So Stories.” The story follows a young elephant who is plagued by insatiable curiosity and embarks on a quest to satisfy it. Throughout his journey, he encounters various animals who impart wisdom and lessons, ultimately leading him to understand the consequences of his actions. Here’s a retelling of the story along with its moral.

Once upon a time, in the High and Far-Off Times, there was a young Elephant who had a curiosity that knew no bounds. He was always asking questions, wanting to know “what” and “why” about everything around him. His relatives, weary of his constant inquiries, often spanked him to make him stop. But the Elephant’s Child remained undeterred.

One day, unable to contain his curiosity any longer, the Elephant’s Child set off on a journey to find out what the Crocodile had for dinner. Along the way, he encountered the Kolokolo Bird, who warned him about the dangers of curiosity. However, the Elephant’s Child persisted, determined to find the answer to his question.

As he journeyed on, he met the Bi-Coloured-Python-Rock-Snake, who coiled himself around the Elephant’s Child and imparted a valuable lesson about the consequences of curiosity. Despite this warning, the Elephant’s Child pressed on, eager to satisfy his curiosity.

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Finally, after many trials and tribulations, the Elephant’s Child reached the great grey-green, greasy Limpopo River, where the Crocodile lived. With great courage, he approached the Crocodile and asked him what he had for dinner. The Crocodile, impressed by the Elephant’s Child’s bravery, revealed that he ate fish.

Satisfied with the answer to his question, the Elephant’s Child returned home, wiser and more cautious than before. He realized that while curiosity was a wonderful thing, it must be tempered with wisdom and caution. He understood the importance of listening to the advice of others and learning from their experiences.

And so, the Elephant’s Child’s insatiable curiosity led him on a journey of discovery, teaching him valuable lessons along the way. He learned that while curiosity could lead to great knowledge, it must be accompanied by wisdom and prudence.

Moral of the Story: The moral of “The Elephant’s Child” teaches us the importance of curiosity and the pursuit of knowledge. However, it also cautions against reckless curiosity and emphasizes the need for wisdom and caution in our quest for understanding. The story encourages us to ask questions, seek answers, but also to heed the advice of others and learn from their experiences.

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