SSC Combined Graduate Level Tier I Exam Held on 19-06-2011 First Shift – General Awareness

The answers are based on the memory, and the time when the exam was held.

Q.1:- In the budget for 2011-2012, the fiscal deficit (% of GDP) for 2011-12 has  been projected at ?

  1. 1
  2. 4
  3. 6
  4. 0

Q.2:- Which was described by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar as the “Heart and Soul” of the Indian Constitution ?

  1. Right to Equality
  2. Right against exploitation
  3. Right to constitutional remedies
  4. Right to freedom of religion

Q.3:- Which is not the concern of the local government ?

  1. Public Health
  2. Sanitation
  3. Law and Order
  4. Public Utility Services

Q.4:- In India, the concept of single citizenship is adopted from ?

  1. England
  2. USA
  3. Canada
  4. France

Q.5:- Who had proposed partyless democracy in India ?

  1. Jaya Prakash Narayan
  2. Mahatma Gandhi
  3. Vinoba Bhave
  4. A. Dange

Q.6:- Disinvestment in Public Sector is called ?

  1. Liberalisation
  2. Globalisation
  3. Industrialisation
  4. Privatisation

Q.7:- ‘Darwin Finches’ refers to a group of ?

  1. Fishes
  2. Lizards
  3. Birds
  4. Amphibians

Q.8:- An individual’s actual standard of living can be assessed by ?

  1. Gross National Income
  2. Net National Income
  3. Per Capita Income
  4. Disposable Personal Income

Q.9:- As announced by the Finance Minister in his Budget speech on 28th February 2011, with a view to assist States in modernising their stamp and registration administration, E-stamping is expected to be rolled out in all the districts of different States in a period of ?

  1. One Year
  2. Two Years
  3. Three Years
  4. Five Years

Q.10:- Which Sikh Guru called himself the ‘Saccha Badshah” ?

  1. Guru Gobind Singh
  2. Guru Hargovind
  3. Guru Tegh Bahadur
  4. Guru Arjun Dev

Q.11:- The Civil Disobedience Movement was launched by Mahatma  Gandhi in ?

  1. 1928
  2. 1930
  3. 1931
  4. 1922

Q.12:- What is the maximum strength prescribed for State Legislative Assemblies ?

  1. 350
  2. 600
  3. 500
  4. 750

Q.13:- Fa-hien visited India during the reign of ?

  1. Chandragupta II
  2. Samudragupta
  3. Ramagupta
  4. Kumargupta
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Q.14:- At which place in Bengal was the East India Company given permission to trade and build a factory by the Mughals in 1651 ?

  1. Calcutta
  2. Cassim Bazar
  3. Singur
  4. Burdwan

Q.15:- Diu is an island off ?

  1. Daman
  2. Goa
  3. Gujarat
  4. Maharashtra

Q.16:- Which from the following is a land-locked sea ?

  1. Red Sea
  2. Timor Sea
  3. North Sea
  4. Aral Sea

Q.17:- Shivasamudram Falls is found in the course of river ?

  1. Krishna
  2. Godavari
  3. Cauvery
  4. Mahanadi

Q.18:- Who gave the slogan “Inquilab Zindabad” ?

  1. Chandrashekhar Azad
  2. Subhash Chandra Bose
  3. Bhagat Singh
  4. Iqbal

Q.19:- The position of India Railways network in the world is ?

  1. Second
  2. Third
  3. Fourth
  4. Fifth

Q.20:- The oldest international airline is ?

  1. Dutch KLM
  2. Air Canada
  3. Qantas Airways
  4. Air Sahara

Q.21:- Which of the following can be used to absorb neutrons to control the chain reaction during nuclear fission ?

  1. Boron
  2. Heavy Water
  3. Uranium
  4. Plutonium

Q.22:- Hydrogen bomb is based on the principle of ?

  1. Controlled fission reaction
  2. Uncontrolled fission reaction
  3. Controlled fusion reaction
  4. Uncontrolled fusion reaction

Q.23:- Troposphere is the hottest part of the atmosphere because ?

  1. It is closest to the Sun
  2. There are charged particles in it
  3. It is heated by the Earth’s surface
  4. Heat is generated in it

Q.24:- The outermost layer of the Sun is called ?

  1. Chromosphere
  2. Photosphere
  3. Corona
  4. Lithosphere

Q.25:- Where was India’s first computer installed ?

  1. Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
  2. India Institute of Science, Bangalore
  3. Indian Iron & Steel Co. Ltd, Burnpur
  4. Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta

Q.26:- The dried flower buds are used as a spice in ?

  1. Cardamom
  2. Cinnamon
  3. Cloves
  4. Saffron

Q.27:- The tissue in man where no cell division occurs after birth is ?

  1. Skeletal
  2. Nerves
  3. Connective
  4. Germinal
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Q.28:- DNA fingerprint is used to identify the ?

  1. Parents
  2. Rapist
  3. Thieves
  4. All the above

Q.29:- The normal cholesterol level in human blood is ?

  1. 80-120 mg%
  2. 120-140 mg%
  3. 140-180 mg%
  4. 180-200 mg%

Q.30:- Which of the following are warm blooded animals ?

  1. Whales
  2. Whale Shark
  3. Alytes
  4. Draco

Q.31:- Syrinx is the voice box in ?

  1. Amphibians
  2. Reptiles
  3. Birds
  4. Mammals

Q.32:- The largest ecosystem of the Earth is ?

  1. Biome
  2. Hydrosphere
  3. Lithosphere
  4. Biosphere

Q.33:- In a food chain , the solar energy utilized by plants is only ?

  1. 10 percent
  2. 1 percent
  3. 1 percent
  4. 01 percent

Q.34:- Supersonic jet causes pollution by thinning of ?

  1. O3 Layer
  2. O2 Layer
  3. SO2 Layer
  4. CO2 Layer

Q.35:- OTEC stands for ?

  1. Ocean Thermal Energy Conservation
  2. Oil and Thermal Energy Conservation
  3. Oil and Thermal Energy Convention
  4. Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion

Q.36:- As per Railway Budget for 2011-2012, the senior citizen concession for men has been increased from ?

  1. 25% to 30%
  2. 30% to 40%
  3. 40% to 50%
  4. 30% to 50%

Q.37:- The monster earthquake cum Tsunami which hit Japan on March 11, 2011 has moved the country’s main island, Honshu, by about ?

  1. Two Feet
  2. Three Feet
  3. Five Feet
  4. Eight Feet

Q.38:- What is the commonly used unit for measuring the speed of data transmission ?

  1. Mega Hertz
  2. Characters per second
  3. Bits per second
  4. Nano seconds

Q.39:- Which type of reaction produces the most harmful radiation ?

  1. Fusion reaction
  2. Fission reaction
  3. Chemical reaction
  4. Photo Chemical reaction

Q.40:- Which type of glass is used for making glass reinforced plastic ?

  1. Pyrex glass
  2. Flint glass
  3. Quartz glass
  4. Fibre glass

Q.41:- Which of the following metals causes Itai-Itai disease ?

  1. Cadmium
  2. Chromium
  3. Cobalt
  4. Copper
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Q.42:- Glycol is added to aviation gasoline because it ?

  1. Reduces evaporation of petrol
  2. Increases efficiency of petrol
  3. Prevents freezing of petrol
  4. Reduces consumption of petrol

Q.43:- Who invented penicillin ?

  1. Alexander Fleming
  2. Louis Pasteur
  3. Dreser
  4. Edward Jenner

Q.44:- 2018 FIFA World Cup would be held in ?

  1. Russia
  2. Qatar
  3. France
  4. Netherlands

Q.45:- Who of the following was not the recipient of Nobel Prize in Economics 2010 ?

  1. Peter A Diamond
  2. Christopher Pissarides
  3. Lui Xiaobo
  4. Dale Mortensen

Q.46:- Which troubled model was recalled recently by the Indian automobile giant Maruti Suzuki for replacement of faulty fuel pump gasket ?

  1. Maruti 800
  2. Maruti A Star
  3. Wagon R
  4. Baleno

Q.47:- As a part of Human Resource Development Ministry’s ‘Brain Gain’ policy to attract global talent, 14 world class universities to attract global talents are proposed to be set up in various states. Name the state from the following where no university of the aforesaid type is proposed to be located ?

  1. Punjab
  2. Bihar
  3. Rajasthan
  4. Uttaranchal

Q.48:- Who discovered South Pole ?

  1. Robert Peary
  2. Amundsen
  3. John Cabot
  4. Tasman

Q.49:- Which of the following folk dances is associated with Rajasthan ?

  1. Rauf
  2. Jhora
  3. Veedhi
  4. Suisini

Q.50:- Which of the following books is authored by V.S. Naipaul ?

  1. The Rediscovery of India
  2. A House for Mr. Biswas
  3. Witness the Night
  4. Tender Hooks