SSC Combined Graduate Level CGL TIER I Exam General Awareness – 08-07-2012 Morning Shift

Q.1 :- A movement along the demand curve of a commodity occurs due to change in ?

  1. Income of the consumers
  2. Its own price
  3. Taste of the consumers
  4. Expectations of the consumers

Q.2:- GNP calculation through Expenditure Method does not include ?

  1. Gross Domestic Private Investments
  2. Net Foreign Investments
  3. Depreciation Expenditures
  4. Private Consumption Expenditure

Q.3:- The Cobb-Douglas Production function Q = ALak(1-a) is based on ?

  1. Increasing returns to scale
  2. Decreasing returns to scale
  3. Constant returns to scale
  4. Fluctuating returns to scale

Q.4:- Find the odd one out of the following ?

  1. Delhi Transport Corporation
  2. Indian Railways
  3. Kingfisher Airlines
  4. Reliance Industries Limited

Q.5:- Monetary Policy in India is laid down and executed by ?

  1. Union Government
  3. Reserve Bank of India
  4. FICCI

Q.6:- Which one of the following subjects is not available on the Union List ?

  1. Census
  2. Banking
  3. Trade Union
  4. Foreign Loans

Q.7:- The term “Closure” in Parliamentary terminology implies ?

  1. The end of the session of Parliament
  2. Stoppage of debate on a motion
  3. End of a day’s proceedings
  4. None of the above

Q.8:- Which of the following is not correctly matched ?

  1. Article 14 – Equality before law
  2. Article 16 Equal Opportunities
  3. Article 17 – Abolition of Titles
  4. Article 18 – Permission of Military Titles

Q.9:- Which of the following Presidents held office for two consecutive terms ?

  1. S. Radhakrishnan
  2. Zakir Hussain
  3. Rajendra Prasad
  4. Both (1) and (3)

Q.10:- Which Amendment Act reduced the voting age from 21 to 18 ?

  1. 42nd
  2. 44th
  3. 52nd
  4. 61st

Q.11:- Match the following :

  1. Vikrama Era : I. A.D. 248
  2. Saka Era : II. A.D. 320
  3. Kalachuri Era : III. 58 B.C.
  4. Gupta Era : IV. A.D. 78
  5. 1-I, 2-II, 3-III, 4-IV
  6. 1-III, 2-IV, 3-I, 4-II
  7. 1-IV, 2-III, 3-II, 4-I
  8. 1-II, 2-I, 3-IV, 4-III

Q.12:- Mahavira was the ?

  1. 21st Tirthankara
  2. 24th Tirthankara
  3. 23rd Tirthankara
  4. 22nd Tirthankara
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Q.13:- Which one among the following woman scholars challenged the invincible Yajnavalkya in debate ?

  1. Ghosa
  2. Apala
  3. Maitreyi
  4. Gargi

Q.14:- Which one of the following event made the crown of England to take over the Indian Administration ?

  1. Battle of Plassey
  2. Battle of Buxar
  3. The Carnatic Wars
  4. The Sepoy Mutiny

Q.15:- Who built the famous Dilwara temple at Mount Abu in Rajasthan in the 13th Century ?

  1. Mahendrapala
  2. Mahipala
  3. Rajyapala
  4. Tejapala

Q.16:- GIS stands for ?

  1. Global Institute for Soils
  2. Geographical International Studies
  3. Geographical Information Systems
  4. Global Information Statistics

Q.17:- Which of the following is a Trans Himalayan River ?

  1. Ganga
  2. Yamuna
  3. Sutlej
  4. Ravi

Q.18:- Match the following using codes given below :

List I List II
Forest Type Regions
  1. Tropical Evergreen
  1. Siwaliks
  1. Monsoon
  1. Shillong
  1. Temperate
  1. West Bengal
  1. Mangrove
  1. Nilgiris


  a b c d
A 2 4 1 3
B 3 1 4 2
C 2 1 4 3
D 3 4 1 2


Q.19:- On which river is the Nagarjuna Sagar Project located ?

  1. Krishna
  2. Godavari
  3. Cauvery
  4. Tapti

Q.20:- Suez Canal joins ?

  1. Persian Gulf and Arabian Sea
  2. Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea
  3. Mediterranean Sea and Black Sea
  4. Red Sea and Arabian Sea

Q.21:- Drug which helps to reduce anxiety and brings about calmness is ?

  1. Tranquiliser
  2. Diuretic
  3. Analgesic
  4. Antihistamine

Q.22:- A keel is absent in ?

  1. Chicken
  2. Ostrich
  3. Duck
  4. Peacock

Q.23:- Broad spectrum antibiotics are produced by ?

  1. Streptomyces
  2. Aspergillus
  3. Pencillium
  4. Bacillus

Q.24:- The pigment that protect plants from harmful effect of ultraviolet rays is ?

  1. Chlorophyll
  2. Carotenoid
  3. Phycocyanin
  4. Plastid

Q.25:- Glycogen, starch and cellulose are polymers of ?

  1. Fructose
  2. Glucose
  3. Lactose
  4. Maltose

Q.26:- Black death is ?

  1. Cancer
  2. Plague
  3. AIDS
  4. Gonorrhoea

Q.27:- Stars appear to move from east to west because the ?

  1. Whole universe is moving from east to west
  2. Earth is revolving round the Sun
  3. Earth is rotating from East to West
  4. Earth is rotating from West to East

Q.28:- On the moon, an astronaut cannot drink Lemonade with the help of a straw because ?

  1. Acceleration due to gravity on the moon is less
  2. There is no atmosphere on the moon
  3. Lemonade evaporates instantaneously on the moon
  4. None of the above
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Q.29:- A particle moving with uniform speed ?

  1. Must have uniform velocity
  2. Cannot have uniform velocity
  3. May have uniform velocity
  4. Will have no velocity

Q.30:- Device which uses sound waves for detection and ranging is called ?

  1. Radar
  2. Sonar
  3. Pukar
  4. None of the above

Q.31:- What is the name of the network topology in which there are bidirectional links between each possible node ?

  1. Ring
  2. Star
  3. Tree
  4. Mesh

Q.32:- LAN stands for ?

  1. Local Area Nodes
  2. Large Area Network
  3. Large Area Nodes
  4. Local Area Network

Q.33:- Dry Ice is nothing but ?

  1. Gaseous Carbon Dioxide
  2. Washing Soda
  3. Solid Carbon Dioxide
  4. Carbon Monoxide

Q.34:- Which one of the following is obtained as slag in a blast furnace ?

  1. Calcium Carbonate
  2. Calcium Sulphate
  3. Calcium Chloride
  4. Calcium Silicate

Q.35:- When H2 gas is allowed to expand from a region of high pressure to a region of low pressure, the temperature of the gas ?

  1. Decreases to a small extent
  2. Increases
  3. Does not change
  4. Decreases suddenly

Q.36:- In the industrial production of vegetable ghee, the process involved is ?

  1. Dissociation
  2. Reduction
  3. Oxidation
  4. Ionisation

Q.37:- Which of the following weeds has been found used to check water pollution caused by industrial affluents ?

  1. Parthenium
  2. Elephant Grass
  3. Water Hyacinth
  4. Both (1) and (2) Above

Q.38:- In which year the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant of the former USSR had accident that caused escape of radio nuclides into atmosphere ?

  1. 1979
  2. 1980
  3. 1984
  4. 1986

Q.39:- Certain desert lizards excrete their wastes in dry form. This serves as a mean of ?

  1. Protective mechanism against their predators
  2. Limiting factor of the organism
  3. Adaptation of the organism to the environment
  4. Countering the problem of food scarcity
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Q.40:- Which one is regarded as “World Heritage Forest” ?

  1. Nandan Kanan in Odisha
  2. Kaziranga in Assam
  3. Sundarbans in West Bengal
  4. Indian Botanical Garden, Shibpur in West Bengal

Q.41:- Kidney can be taken from a dying person who has the ?

  1. Cessation of neurological function only
  2. Cessation of cardiac function only
  3. Cessation of respiratory function only
  4. Cessation of kidney function only

Q.42:- There is no life on moon because it has no ?

  1. Nitrogen
  2. Sulphur
  3. Oxygen
  4. Water

Q.43:- Losoong is a festival celebrated in ?

  1. Tibet
  2. Arunachal Pradesh
  3. Sikkim
  4. Kerala

Q.44:- The commodity for which India spends the largest amount to import is ?

  1. Foodgrains
  2. Crude Petroleum
  3. Fertilisers
  4. Iron and Steel

Q.45:- In which categories did Marie Curie win her two different Nobel Prizes ?

  1. Physics and Chemistry
  2. Chemistry and Medicine
  3. Physics and Medicine
  4. Chemistry and Peace

Q.46:- Michael Phelps won _____ gold medals in swimming events in the Beijing Olympics.

  1. 6
  2. 7
  3. 8
  4. 9

Q.47:- Spot the odd one from the following ?

  1. Tarapur
  2. Trombay
  3. Kalpakkam
  4. Narora

Q.48:- Which one of the following players has the unique distinction of winning 50 Doubles Titles in ATP tour history ?

  1. Leander Paes
  2. Andy Roddick
  3. Novak Djokovic
  4. Roger Federer

Q.49:- As per the 2011, census, the state with the largest gap in male and female literacy is ?

  1. Uttar Pradesh
  2. Madhya Pradesh
  3. Rajasthan
  4. Kerala

Q.50:- Which among the following is termed ‘Hot Money’ ?

  1. FII
  2. FDI
  3. ADR
  4. GDR