SSC Combined Graduate Level (CGL) Tier 1 Exam 09-08-2015 Second Shift with Solutions

Q.1:- Which of the following can be found as pollutants in the drinking water in some parts of India ?

Select the correct answer using the code given below :

  1. Arsenic
  2. Sorbitol
  3. Fluoride
  4. Formaldehyde
  5. Uranium
  1. 2, 4 and 5
  2. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
  3. 1, 3 and 5
  4. 1 and 3

Q.2:- Cyanide poisoning causes death in seconds because

  1. It denatures enzymes of the heart/muscle
  2. It breaks the electron transport chain
  3. It causes Lysis of red blood cells
  4. It causes cardiac arrest

Q.3:- Xenobiotics which are inherently resistant to microbial attack are called as

  1. Biodegradable
  2. Persistent
  3. All of the given options
  4. Recalcitrant

Q.4:- The Battle of Plassey was fought in year

  1. 1775
  2. 1757
  3. 1761
  4. 1576

Q.5:- Who discovered the first antibiotic ?

  1. Fleming
  2. C Waksman
  3. Louis Pasteur
  4. Fleming

Q.6:- Indian first talkie film produced in 1931 was

  1. Shakuntala
  2. Indra Sabha
  3. Neel Kamal
  4. Alamara

Q.7:- State Bank of India was previously known as

  1. Imperial Bank of India
  2. Canara Bank
  3. Syndicate Bank
  4. Co-operative Bank of India

Q.8:- On 2nd June 2015, a Confernce on Make in India Indigenisation of currency was organised by the department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance , Govt. of India. Who inaugurated the Conference ?

  1. Finance Minister
  2. Finance Secretary
  3. Governor RBI
  4. Prime Minister

Q.9:- The ore of Aluminium is

  1. Fluorspar
  2. Bauxite
  3. Chalco Pyrites
  4. Hematite

Q.10:- In the grass lands, trees do not replace the grasses as a part of an ecological succession because of

  1. Limited sun light and paucity of nutrients
  2. None of the options
  3. Insect and fungi
  4. Water limits and fire

Q.11:- The Mediterranean region are characterized by heavy rain in

  1. Winter
  2. Spring
  3. Autumn
  4. Summer

Q.12:- Earthquakes are caused by

  1. Denudation
  2. Tectonism
  3. Earth Revolution
  4. Earth Rotation

Q.13:- The oldest form of composition of Hindustani vocal music is

  1. Dhurpad
  2. Thumri
  3. Ghazal
  4. None of the options

Q.14:- The Women’s Reservation Bill seeks how much reservation for women in the State assemblies and Lok Sabha ?

  1. 30%
  2. 25%
  3. 33%
  4. 36%
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Q.15:- The dynamo converts

  1. Electrical Energy into Mechanical Energy
  2. Mechanical Energy into Magnetic Energy
  3. None of these
  4. Mechanical Energy into Electrical Energy

Q.16:- When is International ‘Yoga Divas’ is celebrated ?

  1. 21 June
  2. 21 May
  3. 25 April
  4. 21 July

Q.17:- Which was the first hydel power project in India ?

  1. Pallivasal in Kerala
  2. Paikara in Tamil Nadu
  3. Siva Samundram in Karnataka
  4. Nizamnagar in Andhra Pradesh

Q.18:- Microbial Type Culture Collection Centre is situated at ?

  1. Bangalore
  2. Chandigarh
  3. New Delhi
  4. Hyderabad

Q.19:- Mahatma Gandhi began his political activities in India first form ?

  1. Dandi
  2. Kheda
  3. Sabarmati
  4. Champaran

Q.20:- Raga Kameshwari was composed by

  1. Ustad Amzad Ali Khan
  2. Pandit Ravi Shankar
  3. Uday Shankar
  4. None of the options

Q.21:- The father of computer is

  1. Oliver Twist
  2. Charles Dickens
  3. Charles Babbage
  4. Love Lice

Q.22:- In which year did Dada Saheb Phalke produce the first feature film ?

  1. 1911
  2. 1913
  3. 1910
  4. 1912

Q.23:- The Earth completes one rotation on its axis in ?

  1. 23 hrs. 56 min. 4.9 sec
  2. 23 hrs. 10 min. 2 sec
  3. 23 hrs. 30 min.
  4. 24 hrs.

Q.24:- What is the fascist view of state ?

  1. State enhances the ideal of individualism
  2. Nation state is unquestionably sovereign
  3. State is the instrument of exploitation in the hands of few
  4. State is under the control of a king

Q.25:- The Environment (Protection) Bill was passed by the Parliament of India in ?

  1. 1984
  2. 1972
  3. 1986
  4. 1981

Q.26:- “Don’t Laugh : We are Police”, this book was compiled by

  1. Shanti Swaroop I.G.
  2. Bishan Lal Vohra I.G.P.
  3. P.S. Gill D.G.P.
  4. None of the options

Q.27:- What is ordinary Law ?

  1. Law made by the High Court
  2. Laws made by the Supreme Court
  3. Laws made and enforced by the Government
  4. Laws made by the common people
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Q.28:- For a missile launched with a velocity less than the earth’s escape velocity, the total energy is

  1. Either positive of negative
  2. Negative
  3. Zero
  4. Positive

Q.29:- Molybdenum deficiency affects the activity of

  1. Chlorate reductase
  2. Nitrogenase
  3. Nitrate reductase
  4. All of the given options

Q.30:- Waksman got the Nobel Prize for discovery of

  1. Streptomycin
  2. Chloromycetin
  3. Neomycin
  4. Penicillin

Q.31:- The business in Stock Markets and other securities markets is regulated

  1. Securities and Exchange Board of India
  2. Sole Trade and Exchange Bank of India
  3. State and Exchange Bank of India
  4. Stock and Exchange Bank of India

Q.32:- Liberalism stands for

  1. Religious orthodoxy
  2. A movement and an attitude
  3. Self emancipation
  4. Freedom in social, political and economic aspects

Q.33:- Heavy metals got their name because compared to other atoms they have

  1. Higher densities
  2. Higher atomic masses
  3. Higher atomic numbers
  4. Higher atomic radii

Q.34:- Photo chemical smog is a resultant of the reaction among

  1. High concentration of NO2, O3, and CO in the evening
  2. CO, CO2, and NO2 at low temperature
  3. CO, O2 and peroxy acetyl nitrate in the presence of Sunlight
  4. NO2, O3 and peroxy acetyl nitrate in the presence of Sunlight

Q.35:- The Liquidity Preference Theory of Interest was propounded by

  1. M. Keynes
  2. David Ricardo
  3. Alfred Marshall
  4. Adam Smith

Q.36:- Which of the following costs is related to marginal cost ?

  1. Variable Cost
  2. Implicit Cost
  3. Prime Cost
  4. Fixed Cost

Q.37:- Fascism believes in the application of the principles of

  1. Dictatorship
  2. Democracy
  3. Utilitarianism
  4. Totalitarianism

Q.38:- Autocracy means ___________ ?

  1. Rule by few
  2. Rule by king
  3. Absolute rule by one
  4. Rule by the representatives of the people

Q.39:- When a Helium atom loses an electron it becomes ?

  1. A negative Helium ion
  2. A proton
  3. An Alpha particle
  4. A positive Helium ion

Q.40:- When one goes gene pair hides the effect of the other unit, the phenomenon in referred to as

  1. Epistasis
  2. Mutation
  3. Dominance
  4. None of the options
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Q.41:- The classical Dance of Andhra Pradesh is

  1. Kuchipudi
  2. Odissi
  3. Bharatanatyam
  4. Kathakali

Q.42:- Who directed the film on the dacoit queen Phoolam Devi

  1. Abbas Mastan
  2. Shashi Kapoor
  3. Shekhar Kapoor
  4. Anil Kapoor

Q.43:- PSW stands for

  1. Program status word
  2. Processor status word
  3. Process status word
  4. Primitive status word

Q.44:- The name of the upper house of the India Parliament is

  1. Senate
  2. Rajya Sabha
  3. House of Lords
  4. Legislative Assembly

Q.45:- G.E.F., an international aid giving agency has the full form

  1. Global Environment Fund
  2. Global Educational Fund
  3. Global Economic Fund
  4. Global Energy Fund

Q.46:- Spring tides occur on

  1. New moon day only
  2. Full moon day as well as on new moon day
  3. Full moon day only
  4. The day when the moon’s position is in its first quarter

Q.47:- Which one of the following is the correct sequence of ecosystem in the order of decreasing productivity ?

  1. Oceans, Mangroves, Lakes, Grassland
  2. Mangroves, Oceans, Grassland, Lakes
  3. Oceans, Lakes, Grassland, Mangroves
  4. Mangroves, Grasslands, Lakes, Oceans

Q.48:- Who is considered founder of the Gupta Empire ?

  1. Srigupta
  2. Samudra Gupta
  3. Chandra Gupta I
  4. Chandra Gupta II

Q.49:- A Fuse wire is characterised by

  1. High resistance and low melting point
  2. High resistance and high melting point
  3. Low resistance and high melting point
  4. Low resistance and low melting point

Q.50:- The technology used in the electronic printer is called

  1. Micro array
  2. Micro millimetric
  3. Micro technology
  4. Micro encapsulation