Reservation System in India : Essay in English Language for Students


Short Essay / Paragraph on Reservation System / Policy in India in English language for exams.

There is a provision in our constitution for reservations for certain segments of society so that their social status should be raised to bring them in the mainstream of the society. But, it is a height of foolishness to have reservations on the basis of the caste and creed. Talent, competence and merit should not be ignored while selecting candidates for public services. Government departments have already earned the notoriety of being inefficient and incompetent. The country’s future will be dark if we have caste / creed based reservations. There are several harmful effects of caste / religion based reservation system in India.

Our administration, research and development centres, hospitals and educational institutions are in shambles mainly due to inefficient hands manning them. It is all due to our wrong policy of reservation. There may be reservations for non-gazetted posts, but there must be no reservations in professional courses. We should give financial assistance; free text books, mid-day meal and other facilities to weaker sections of society, irrespective of caste or religion, to bring them at par with their fortunate brethren. The country will earn a bad name and disintegrate if the incompetent people are at the helm of the state. Besides, reservations should be for a certain period and not for ever. It should be far the integration of the nation. If it creates bitterness and divides the society, better it should be away with.

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