Physics Selected Questions and Answers Set 8

Q.1:- A wire of resistance R is cut into ‘n’ equal parts. These parts are then connected in parallel. The equivalent resistance of the combination will be ?

  1. nR
  2. R/n
  3. n/R
  4. R/n2

Q.2:- The resistance of an ideal voltmeter is ?

  1. Zero
  2. Low
  3. Infinite
  4. High

Q.3:- A hole in p-type semiconductor is ?

  1. An excess electron
  2. A missing electron
  3. A missing atom
  4. A donor level

Q.4:- γ-ray consists of ?

  1. Meson Particles
  2. Neutrino particles
  3. Higg’s boson
  4. Electromagnetic waves

Q.5:- The important conclusion given by millikan’s experiment about the charge is ?

  1. Charge is never quantized
  2. Charge has no definite value
  3. Charge is quantized
  4. Charge on oil drop always increases

Q.6:- A zener diode is also a p-n junction diode. It can be used as /  an ?

  1. Full wave rectifier
  2. AC Voltage regulator
  3. DC voltage regulator
  4. Half wave rectifier

Q.7:- The method of communication in which transmission can take place in both directions, but happens only in one direction at a time, is called ?

  1. Duplex
  2. Half Duplex
  3. Full Duplex
  4. Simplex

Q.8:- The audio signal ?

  1. Can be sent directly over the air for distance
  2. Cannot be sent directly over the air for large distance
  3. Possess very high frequency
  4. None of the above

Q.9:- If we want to calculate the pressure of a liquid at the bottom of vessel, the quantity which is not required to determine it, is ?

  1. Height of the liquid column
  2. Surface area of the bottom of the vessel
  3. Density of the liquid
  4. Acceleration due to gravity at the bottom of the vessel

Q.10:- A small and a large rain drops are falling through air ?

  1. The large drop moves faster
  2. The small drop moves faster
  3. Both moves with same speed
  4. None of the above

Q.11:- The relay satellite transmits the television programme continuously from one part of the world to another because its ?

  1. Period is greater than the period of rotation of the earth about its axis
  2. Period is less than the period of rotation of the earth about its axis
  3. Period to equal to the period of rotation of the earth about its axis
  4. Mass is less than the mass of the earth
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Q.12:- A geostationary satellite should be launched such that it moves from ?

  1. North to south in the polar plane
  2. South to north in the polar plane
  3. East to west in the equatorial plane
  4. West to east in the equatorial plane

Q.13:- Gas thermometer are more sensitive than the liquid thermometers because the gases ?

  1. Have low specific heat
  2. Have high specific heat
  3. Have large coefficient of expansion
  4. Are lighter

Q.14:- A man in a train moving with a constant velocity drops a ball on the platform. The path of the ball as seem by an observer standing on the platform is ?

  1. A straight line
  2. A circle
  3. A parabola
  4. None

Q.15:- SI unit of Magnetic Flux is ?

  1. Weber/m
  2. Weber
  3. Weber-m2
  4. Weber-m4

Q.16:- On which of the following principles does a rocket work ?

  1. Conservation of momentum
  2. Conservation of Inertia
  3. Conservation of Mass
  4. Conservation of Energy

Q.17:- A spherical ball made of steel when dropped in a bucket full of mercury (Hg) will ?

  1. Sink to the bottom
  2. Float on the surface
  3. Will dissolve
  4. None

Q.18:- A refrigerator, with its power on, is kept in closed room with its door open. The temperature of the room will ?

  1. Rise
  2. Fall
  3. Remains the same
  4. None of these

Q.19:- Some quantity of water at room temperature is placed in an open pan and allowed to evaporate. After sometime the temperature of water ?

  1. Decreases slightly
  2. Increases slightly
  3. Remains unchanged
  4. None of these

Q.20:- The temperature at which the vapour pressure of a liquid become equal to the external (atmospheric) pressure is its ?

  1. Melting point
  2. Boiling point
  3. Inversion point
  4. None of these
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Q.21:- An amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a body through 1k is called its ?

  1. Thermal capacity
  2. Entropy
  3. Specific heat
  4. Water equivalent

Q.22:- A person standing in front of a mirror finds his image thinner but with normal  height. The mirror in question is ?

  1. Concave and spherical
  2. Convex and spherical
  3. Convex and cylindrical with axis vertical
  4. Convex and cylindrical with axis horizontal

Q.23:- Total internal reflection can take place when light travels from ?

  1. Diamond to glass
  2. Water to glass
  3. Air to water
  4. Air to glass

Q.24:- Optical fibres, though bent in any manner, allows light to pass through, What is the inference that one can draw from it ?

  1. The concept that light travels in straight path is wrong
  2. Light can flow through the optical fibres
  3. Light can travel through the fibres because of their ductility
  4. Light can travel through the fibres due to multiple total internal reflections

Q.25:- Optical fibre works on the principle of ?

  1. Refraction
  2. Scattering
  3. Interference
  4. Total internal reflection