Physics (General Science) : All SSC Exams Previous Years Questions Papers Solved Part 1

Q.1:- The speed of light with the rise in the temperature of the medium ?

  1. Increases
  2. Decreases
  3. Remains Unaltered
  4. Drops Suddenly

Q.2:- If the length of a simple pendulum is halved then its period of oscillation is ?

  1. Doubled
  2. Halved
  3. Increased by a factor √2
  4. Decreased by a factor √2

Q.3:- Electron microscope was invented by ?

  1. Knoll and Ruska
  2. Robert Koch
  3. Leeuwenhock
  4. P. Swanson

Q.4:- The sudden fall of atmospheric pressure indicates ?

  1. Fair Weather
  2. Storm
  3. Rain
  4. Cold Weather

Q.5:- When the main switch of the house is put off it disconnects the ?

  1. Live wire only
  2. Live wire and the earth wire
  3. Live wire and the neutral wire
  4. Earth wire and the neutral wire

Q.6:- Pycnometer is an instrument used to measure the ?

  1. Density
  2. Intensity of solar radiation
  3. Intensity of earthquake
  4. High temperatures

Q.7:- Heat from the sun reaches earth by the process of ?

  1. Conduction
  2. Convection
  3. Radiation
  4. All of the above

Q.8:- Decibel is the unit used for ?

  1. Speed of light
  2. Intensity of heat
  3. Intensity of sound
  4. Radio wave frequency

Q.9:- Where are mesons found ?

  1. Cosmic rays
  2. X-Rays
  3. Gamma Rays
  4. Laser Beam

Q.10:- An oil drop spreads over water because ?

  1. Oil is lighter than water
  2. Oil is more viscous
  3. Oil does not mix with water
  4. Surface tension of oil is much smaller than that of water

Q.11:- The term ‘Isoneph’ indicates the lines of equal ?

  1. Cloudiness
  2. Salinity
  3. Rainfall
  4. Pressure

Q.12:- The fourth state of matter is known as ?

  1. Gas
  2. Vapour
  3. Plasma
  4. Electrons

Q.13:- Which of the following produces more severe burns ?

  1. Boiling water
  2. Hot water
  3. Steam
  4. Melting iceberg

Q.14:- Nuclear reactors used to produce electricity are based on ?

  1. Nuclear Fission
  2. Nuclear Fusion
  3. Cold Fusion
  4. Superconductivity

Q.15:- Magnetism in materials is due to ?

  1. Electrons at rest
  2. Circular motion of electrons
  3. Protons at rest
  4. All neutrons at rest

Q.16:- Heat transfer horizontally within the atmosphere is called ?

  1. Conduction
  2. Convection
  3. Absorption
  4. Advection

Q.17:- Which of the following principle is used to produce ‘Low Temperatures’ ?

  1. Super conductivity
  2. Joule Kelvin Effect
  3. Thermo Electric Effect
  4. Adiabatic Demagnetisation

Q.18:- A transformer works on the principle of ?

  1. Self-Induction
  2. Mutual Induction
  3. Generator
  4. Inverter

Q.19:- Angle of friction and angle of repose are ?

  1. Equal to each other
  2. Not equal to each other
  3. Proportional to each other
  4. None of the above
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Q.20:- Global warming is expected to result in ?

  1. Increase in level of sea
  2. Change in crop pattern
  3. Change in coast line
  4. All of the above

Q.21:- The propagation of sound waves in a gas involves ?

  1. Adiabatic compression and rarefaction
  2. Isothermal compression and rarefaction
  3. Isochoric compression and rarefaction
  4. Isobaric compression and rarefaction

Q.22:- The bats can fly in the dark because ?

  1. They can see the objects in darkness
  2. They have weak legs and are likely to be attacked by predators
  3. They generate flashes of light
  4. They generate ultrasonic sound waves

Q.23:- The phenomenon of light associated with the appearance of blue colour of the sky is ?

  1. Interference
  2. Reflection
  3. Refraction
  4. Scattering

Q.24:- The function of ball bearings in a wheel is ?

  1. To increase friction
  2. To convert kinetic friction into rolling friction
  3. To convert static friction into kinetic friction
  4. Just for convenience

Q.25:- Eclipses occur due to which optical phenomena ?

  1. Reflection
  2. Refraction
  3. Rectilinear Propagation
  4. Diffraction