Medieval Period Indian History Selected Questions and Answers Set 1


Q.1:- Which one of the following Chola kings conquered Ceylon (Sinhal) first ?

  1. Aditya I
  2. Rajaraja I
  3. Rajendra
  4. Vijayalaya

Ans:- (b) Rajaraja I

Q.2:- Who wrote ‘Ramcharita’ ?

  1. Banabhatta
  2. Kalidas
  3. Sandhyakar Nandi
  4. Tulsidas

Ans:- (c) Sandhyakar Nandi

Q.3:- The Lingaraja Temple built during the medieval period is at ?

  1. Bhubaneswar
  2. Khajuraho
  3. Madurai
  4. Mount Abu

Ans:- (a) Bhubaneswar

Q.4:- The medieval ruler who was the first to establish a ministry of agriculture (Diwan-i-Kohi) was ?

  1. Alauddin Khalji
  2. Mohammad Bin Tughlaq
  3. Sher Shah
  4. Akbar

Ans:- (b) Mohammad Bin Tughlaq

Q.5:- Who among the following Delhi Sultans is known for introducing market control mechanism ?

  1. Iltutmish
  2. Balban
  3. Alauddin Khalji
  4. Firozshah Tughlaq

Ans:- (c) Alauddin Khalji

Q.6:- The seven pagodas of Mahabalipuram are a witness to the art patronized by the ?

  1. Pallavas
  2. Pandyas
  3. Cholas
  4. Cheras

Ans:- (a) Pallavas

Q.7:- ‘Ramayan’ the Tamil version of the great epic Ramayan was made by ?

  1. Kamban
  2. Avvaiyar
  3. Ilango Adigal
  4. None of these

Ans:- (a) Kamban

Q.8:- Who built the Khajuraho temples ?

  1. Holkars
  2. Scindias
  3. Bundela
  4. Chandela

Ans:- (d) Chandela

Q.9:- Who constructed the world famous Jagannath Temple at Puri ?

  1. Krishnavarman
  2. Anantvarman
  3. Devavarman
  4. None of these

Ans:- (b) Anantvarman

Q.10:- Who among the following was not a part of tripartite struggle ?

  1. Palas
  2. Pratiharas
  3. Rasthrakutas
  4. Cholas

Ans:- (d) Cholas

Q.11:- Arabs were defeated in 738 AD by ?

  1. Pratiharas
  2. Rashtarkutas
  3. Palas
  4. Chalukyas

Ans:- (a) Pratiharas

Q.12:- Which of the following was NOT one of the titles assumed by the Chola king Rajendra ?

  1. Tyagasamudra
  2. Gangikonda
  3. Mudikonda
  4. Pandita Chola
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Ans:- (a) Tyagasamudra

Q.13:- Who among the following Sultans of Delhi had accepted the Suzeraintz of the Timurid ruler Mirza Shah Rukh ?

  1. Firoz Tughlaq
  2. Mohammad Bin Tughlaq
  3. Khizr Khan Sayyid
  4. Sikandar Lodi

Ans:- (c) Khizr Khan Sayyid

Q.14:- Who among the following was the first muslim Military Commander who annexed Bihar and Bengal by overthrowing the Sena dynasty ?

  1. Mahmud Gawan
  2. Bakhtiyar Khalji
  3. Adil Shah
  4. Shamsuddin

Ans:- (b) Bakhtiyar Khalji

Q.15:- Who was the founder of Pala Dynasty ?

  1. Dharmapala
  2. Deopala
  3. Gopala
  4. Rampala

Ans:- (c) Gopala

Q.16:- The famous Idol of Gomteshwar and famous jain temple is situated at ?

  1. Hampi
  2. Srirangapattam
  3. Sravanbelgola
  4. Mysore

Ans:- (c) Sravanbelgola

Q.17:- Who was the founder of Pala Dynasty ?

  1. Dharmapala
  2. Deopala
  3. Gopala
  4. Ramapala

Ans:- (c) Gopala

Q.18:- ‘Daskumar Charitam’ was composed by ?

  1. Surdas
  2. Dandin
  3. Tulsidas
  4. Kalidas

Ans:- (b) Dandin

Q.19:- Who of the following was a contemporary of Chingiz Khan ?

  1. Mahmud Ghazanvi
  2. Iltutmish
  3. Alaudin Khalji
  4. Mohammad Bin Tughlaq

Ans:- (b) Iltutmish

Q.20:- Mohammad Bin Tughlaq was proficient in ?

  1. Art
  2. Music
  3. Calligraphy
  4. Philosophy

Ans:- (c) Calligraphy

Q.21:- The south Indian state which was famous for its naval power, was ?

  1. Chalukyas
  2. Cholas
  3. Hoyasals
  4. Pandyas

Ans:- (b) Cholas

Q.22:- The famous Kailasha Temple, cut out of solid rock at Ellora, was built under the patronage of the ?

  1. Cholas
  2. Kadambas
  3. Pallavas
  4. Rashtrakutas

Ans:- (d) Rashtrakutas

Q.23:- Who among the following laid the foundation of Rashtrakuta Empire ?

  1. Dantidurga
  2. Amoghvarsha I
  3. Dhruva
  4. Krishna I
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Ans:- (a) Dangidurga

Q.24:- Who destroyed the Empire of Chalukyas of Badami ?

  1. Cholas
  2. Pallavas
  3. Pandyas
  4. Rashtrakutas

Ans:- (d) Rashtrakutas

Q.25:- The Lodi dynasty was founded by ?

  1. Ibrahim Lodi
  2. Sikandar Lodi
  3. Bahlol Lodi
  4. Khizr Khan

Ans:- (c) Bahlol Lodi