List of Speed of Sound in Different Medium – Physics Theory Study

speed of sound in different medium entranciology


The speed of sound is different in different mediums like it is about 1450 m/s in Mercury, 3560 m/s etc. Therefore, we have given a list of speeds of sound in various mediums.

S. No. Name of Medium Speed of Sound (m/s)
1 Carbondioxide 260
2 Air (0C) 332
3 Air (20o C) 343
4 Steam (at 100o C) 405
5 Helium 965
6 Alcohol 1213
7 Hydrogen 1269
8 Mercury 1450
9 Water (20o C) 1482
10 Sea Water 1533
11 Copper 3560
12 Iron 5130
13 Glass 5640
14 Granite 6000
15 Aluminium 6420