List of Mineral Salts, Their Importance and Sources, Nutrition in Plants and Animals, Biology, Botany and Zoology

Minerals salts are needed in very small quantities, but they are very essential for proper functioning of the body. Besides playing a major role in the regulation of metabolic activities, the minerals salts are also very important constituents of certain tissues of the body. For example; Calcium is the principle component of the skeleton system.

Below we have given some minerals salts, their importance and sources:

S. No. Mineral Importance Sources
1 Iron Essential for the formation of Haemoglobin Eggs, Green Vegetables, Meat
2 Sodium Important constituent of body fluids (blood and lymph); transmission of nerve Common Salt, Milk
3 Calcium Principle component of Skeleton, and teeth; essential for contraction of heart muscles, and blood coagulation Green Vegetables, Milk, Eggs
4 Potassium Intracellular Osmotic Pressure; transmission of nerve impulses Vegetables, Meat
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5 Phosphorus Very essential for the formation of bone and teeth; for muscular contraction; for the synthesis of nucleic acids and phospholipids; Phosphorus also helps in the maintenance of blood pH Eggs, Milk
6 Fluorine It helps in the formation of Enamel of Teeth. Milk, Drinking Water
7 Iodine Iodine is very essential for the formation of Thyroxine. Common Salt, Sea Foods
8 Sulphur Constituent of Hair, Nails and Corneous Layers of Skin Eggs, Fish, Meat
9 Chlorine Chlorine is very essential for maintaining Osmotic Pressure of the body fluids. Milk, Salt
10 Magnesium Magnesium Activates Certain Enzymes Meat, Green Vegetables