List of Human Organ Systems, Components and Functions

human organ systems components and functions entranciology


S. No. Name of Human Organ System Components Functions
1 Circulatory System Blood, Heart, Blood Vessels, Lymph, Lymph Structures It transports cells and chemical compounds throughout the body.
2 Digestive System Mouth, Esophagus, Stomach, Intestine, Liver, Pancreas It captures soluble nutrients from ingested food.
3 Endocrine System Pituitary, Adrenal, Thyroid, Other Ductless Glands It coordinates and integrates the activities of the body.
4 Immune System Lymphocytes, Macrophages, Antibodies It removes foreign bodies from the bloodstream; maintains homeostasis of the blood.
5 Integumentary System Skin, Hair, Nails, Sweat Glands It covers, and protects the body from various kinds of damages.
6 Muscular System Skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle It produces body movement
7 Nervous System Nerves, sense organs, brain, spinal cord It receives stimuli, integrates information, and directs the body.
8 Reproductive System Testes, Ovaries, Associated Reproductive Structures It carries out reproduction
9 Respiratory System Lungs, Trachea, Other air passages It captures Oxygen and conducts gaseous exchange.
10 Skeletal System Bones, Cartilage, Ligaments It protects the body and provides support for locomotion and movement
11 Urinary System Kidney, Bladder, Associated Ducts It removes metabolic wastes from the bloodstream.
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