Indian Polity Selected Exams Questions and Answers Set 1


Q.1:- By virtue of which Act, diarchy was introduced in India ?

  1. Indian Council Act, 1909
  2. Government of India Act, 1919
  3. Government of India Act, 1935
  4. Indian Independence Act, 1947

Ans:- (b) Government of India Act, 1919

Q.2:- Which of the following exercised the most profound influence in framing the Indian Constitution ?

  1. British Constitution
  2. US Constitution
  3. Irish Constitution
  4. The Government of India Act, 1935

Ans:- (d) The Government of India Act, 1935

Q.3:- The instrument of instructions contained in the Government of India Act, 1935 has been incorporated in the Constitution of India in the year 1950 as ?

  1. Fundamental Rights
  2. Directive Principles of the State Policy
  3. Fundamental Duties
  4. Emergency Provisions

Ans:- (d) Emergency Provisions

Q.4:- Diarchy was first introduced under ?

  1. Morley Minto Reforms
  2. Mont Ford Reforms
  3. Simon Commission Plan
  4. Government of India Act, 1935

Ans:- (b) Mont Ford Reforms

Q.5:- Through which one of the following were commercial activities of the East India Company finally put to an end ?

  1. The Charter Act of 1793
  2. The Charter Act of 1813
  3. The Charter Act of 1833
  4. The Charter Act of 1853

Ans:- (c) The Charter Act of 1833

Q.6:- Who presided over the first meeting of the Indian Constituent Assembly ?

  1. Rajendra Prasad
  2. Sachchidananda Sinha
  3. R. Ambedkar
  4. V. Kamath

Ans:- (b) Sachchidananda Sinha

Q.7:- How many members were initially there in the Constituent Assembly of India ?

  1. 300
  2. 304
  3. 308
  4. 310
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Ans:- (a) 300

Q.8:- The first Session of the Constitutional Assembly was held on ?

  1. November 26, 1946
  2. December 9, 1946
  3. August 16, 1947
  4. January 26, 1948

Ans:- (b) December 9, 1946

Q.9:- In which year did the Parliament adopt Indian Constitution ?

  1. 1947
  2. 1948
  3. 1950
  4. 1952

Ans:- (c) 1950

Q.10:- The Constitution of India came into force on ?

  1. December 9, 1946
  2. January 26, 1949
  3. January 26, 1950
  4. November 26, 1951

Ans:- (c) January 26, 1950

Q.11:- The first definite step to provide parliamentary control over East India Company was taken by ?

  1. The Regulating Act, 1773
  2. The Pitt’s India Act, 1784
  3. The Charter Act of 1793
  4. The Charter Act of 1813

Ans:- (a) The Regulating Act, 1773

Q.12:- The Government of India Act, 1935 was based on ?

  1. The principle of federation and parliamentary system
  2. The principle of succession of the British India provinces
  3. Acceptance of the idea of a constituent assembly to draft a constitution
  4. Non of these

Ans:- (a) The principle of federation and parliamentary system

Q.13:- The India Legislature was made bi-cameral for the first time by ?

  1. India Council Act of 1892
  2. India Council Act of 1909
  3. The Government of India Act of 1919
  4. The Government of India Act of 1935

Ans:- (c) The Government of India Act of 1919

Q.14:- Which of the following is correct ?

  1. The Nehru Report (1928) had advocated the inclusion of Fundamental Right in the Constitution of India
  2. The Government of India Act, 1935 referred to Fundamental Rights
  3. The August Offer, 1940 included the Fundamental Rights
  4. The Cripps Mission, 1942 referred to Fundamental Rights
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Ans:- (a) The Nehru Report (1928) had advocated the inclusion of Fundamental Rights in the Constitution of India

Q.15:- Who among the following was the advisor of the Drafting committee of Constituent Assembly ?

  1. Shiva Rao
  2. R. Ambedkar
  3. Sachchidananda Sinha
  4. N. Rau

Ans:- (d) B.N. Rau

Q.16:- The Indian Independence Bill received the Royal Assent on ?

  1. July 18, 1947
  2. July 19, 1947
  3. July 20, 1947
  4. July 21, 1947

Ans:- (a) July 18, 1947

Q.17:- Who proposed the Preamble before the Drafting Committee of the Constitution ?

  1. Jawahar Lal Nehru
  2. R. Ambedkar
  3. N. Rau
  4. Mahatma Gandhi

Ans:- (a) Jawahar Lal Nehru

Q.18:- Who amongst the following was the chairperson of the Drafting Committee set up by the Constituent Assembly ?

  1. Jawahar Lal Nehru
  2. Rajendra Prasad
  3. B.R. Ambedkar
  4. None of these

Ans:- (c) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

Q.19:- The Constitution of India was completed on :

  1. February 11, 1948
  2. November 26, 1949
  3. January 26, 1950
  4. None of these

Ans:- (b) November 26, 1949

Q.20:- Who was the Chairman of the Union Power Committee of Constituent Assembly of India ?

  1. Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel
  2. B.R. Ambedkar
  3. Sir Alladi Krishnaswami Ayyar
  4. Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru
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Ans:- (d) Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru

Q.21:- Which was not a member of Cabinet Mission ?

  1. Pathic Lawrance
  2. Stafford Cripps
  3. V. Alexander
  4. John Simon

Ans:- (d) John Simon

Q.22:- The Constituent Assembly set up a Drafting Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar on ?

  1. 13th December, 1946
  2. 22nd January 1947
  3. 3rd June, 1947
  4. 29th August, 1947

Ans:- (d) 29th August, 1947

Q.23:- The monopoly of Indian trade of the East Indian Company was abolished by the ?

  1. Regulating Act, 1773
  2. Charter Act, 1813
  3. Charter Act, 1833
  4. Government of India Act, 1858

Ans:- (b) Charter Act, 1813

Q.24:- Two independent states of India and Pakistan were created by ?

  1. The Shimla Conference
  2. The Cripps proposal
  3. The Cabinet Mission Plan
  4. The Indian Independence Act

Ans:- (d) The Indian Independence Act

Q.25:- The number of members included in the constitution Drafting Committee was ?

  1. Seven
  2. Nine
  3. Eleven
  4. Thirteen

Ans:- (a) Seven