Indian Polity Selected Exams Questions and Answers Set 4

Q.1:- ‘Zero Hour’ in political jargon refers to ?

  1. Day when no business in Parliament is done
  2. Suspended motion
  3. Adjourned time
  4. Question answer session

Q.2:- Which of the following ministers prepares its own budget and presents in the Parliament every year ?

  1. Finance Ministry
  2. Railway Ministry
  3. Ministry of Defence
  4. Ministry of Home Affairs
  5. None of these

Q.3:- Which committee had first of all recommended three-tier Panchayati Raj in India in 1957 ?

  1. Balwant Rai Mehta Committee
  2. Ashok Mehta Committee
  3. Setalwad Committee
  4. Hanumantayya Committee

Q.4:- ‘Shakti Sthal’ is related to whom ?

  1. Indira Gandhi
  2. Rajiv Gandhi
  3. Mahatma Gandhi
  4. Jawahar Lal Nehru

Q.5:- The number of union territories in India is ?

  1. 5
  2. 6
  3. 7
  4. 9

Q.6:- Among the following states, which one was formed last ?

  1. Andhra Pradesh
  2. Gujarat
  3. Karnataka
  4. Punjab

Q.7:- Which one of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution provides that “It shall be the duty of the Union to protect every State against external aggression and internal disturbance” ?

  1. Article 215
  2. Article 275
  3. Article 325
  4. Article 355

Q.8:- Right to property was removed from the list of Fundamental Rights during the rule of ?

  1. Indira Gandhi Government
  2. Morarji Desai Government
  3. Narasimha Rao Government
  4. Vajpayee Government
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Q.9:- ‘Uttarakhand’ state came into existence on ?

  1. November 1, 2000
  2. November 9, 2000
  3. November 10, 2001
  4. January 1, 2008

Q.10:- Who is the guardian of Fundamental Right enumerated in Indian Constitution ?

  1. Supreme Court
  2. Parliament
  3. Constitution
  4. President

Q.11:- All the following are Fundamental Rights guaranteed by the Indian Constitution except ?

  1. Right to equality
  2. Right against exploitation
  3. Right to adequate means of livelihood
  4. Right to freedom of religion

Q.12:- Who considered the Right to Constitutional Remedies as very ‘heart and soul’ of the India constitution ?

  1. K. Gandhi
  2. L. Nehru
  3. R. Ambedkar
  4. Rajendra Prasad

Q.13:- What could be the maximum time limit of ‘Zero Hour’ in the Lok Sabha ?

  1. 30 minutes
  2. 1 hour
  3. 2 hours
  4. Indefinite period

Q.14:- The national emergency as Article 352 of the Indian Constitution provides, may be proclaimed under which of the following circumstances ?

  1. Failure of constitutional machinery
  2. External aggression
  3. Internal disturbance
  4. War, external aggression or internal disturbance

Q.15:- The Indian Parliament is competent to enact law on a State subject if ?

  1. Emergency under Article 352 is in operation
  2. All the State Assemblies of the country make such a request
  3. The president send such a message to Parliament
  4. None of these
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Q.16:- Who conducts the State Assembly Elections ?

  1. Chief Justice of High Court
  2. State Election Commission
  3. Election Commission of India
  4. Governor of the State

Q.17:- The largest item of expenditure in the current account of the Central Government Budget is ?

  1. Defence Expenditure
  2. Subsidies
  3. Interest Payments
  4. Expenditure on Social Services

Q.18:- When will demand become a grant ?

  1. When a demand is proposed
  2. After the discussion on demand is over
  3. After the demand is granted
  4. When the Budget Session is closed

Q.19:- Finance Bill of Indian Government is presented in ?

  1. Upper House
  2. Lower House
  3. Legislative Council
  4. Legislative Assembly

Q.20:- The speaker of the Lok Sabha addresses his letter of resignation to the ?

  1. Prime Minister of India
  2. President of India
  3. Vice President of India
  4. Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha

Q.21:- Who is the chairman of Rajya Sabha ?

  1. The President
  2. The Vice-President
  3. The Prime Minister
  4. The Speaker

Q.22:- Who is competent to dissolve the Rajya Sabha ?

  1. The Chairman, Rajya Sabha
  2. The President
  3. The Joint Session of Parliament
  4. None
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Q.23:- Which of the following non-member of Parliament has the right to address it ?

  1. Attorney General of India
  2. Solicitor General of India
  3. Chief Justice of India
  4. Chief Election Commissioner

Q.24:- Which of the following vested the Secretary of State for India with supreme control over the Government of India ?

  1. Pitt’s India Act, 1784
  2. Government of India Act, 1858
  3. India Council Act, 1861
  4. Morley-Minto Reforms, 1909

Q.25:- The first attempt to introduce a representative and popular element in the governance of India was made through ?

  1. Indian Council Act, 1861
  2. India Council Act, 1892
  3. India Council Act, 1909
  4. Government of India Act, 1919