Indian Polity Selected Exams Questions and Answers Set 9

Q.1:- Indian Constitution has given some liberties to its citizens. Which of the following is not true about it. Citizens is free to the liberty of ?

  1. His expression and speech
  2. To gather peacefully without arms
  3. To purchase land and property in any part of the country
  4. To form association or unions
  5. To do business in any trades in the list prepared by India Government

Q.2:- Which part of the India Constitution deals with ‘Fundamental Rights’ ?

  1. Part I
  2. Part II
  3. Part III
  4. Part IV

Q.3:- Which Amendment to the Constitution inserted a new Article 21 A providing Right to Education in the Constitution ?

  1. 86th Amendment
  2. 87th Amendment
  3. 88th Amendment
  4. 89th Amendment

Q.4:- Which of the following is given the power to implement the Fundamental Rights by the Constitution ?

  1. All courts in India
  2. The Parliament
  3. The President
  4. The Supreme Court and High Courts

Q.5:- The Writ Habeas Corpus is available for ?

  1. Directing any person, corporation or inferior court to do some particular thing
  2. The purpose of releasing from illegal custody, persons unlawfully detained
  3. Direction of Supreme Court to an inferior court to send the records of the pending case
  4. Directing the lower court to stop proceedings by a higher court

Q.6:- Freedom of the Press in India is ?

  1. Available to the people under the law of the Parliament
  2. Specifically provided in the constitution
  3. Implied in the right of freedom of expression
  4. Available to the people of India under executive power

Q.7:- Which of the following is correct ?

  1. The Nehru Report (1928) had advocated the inclusion of Fundamental Rights in the Constitution of India
  2. The Government of India Act, 1935 referred to Fundamental Rights
  3. The August Offer, 1940 included the Fundamental Rights
  4. The Cripps Mission, 1942 referred to Fundamental Rights
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Q.8:- Right to Information (RTI) Act aims to ?

  1. Secure access to information from public authorities
  2. Provide information to public by a person who has got the information
  3. Provide information by Government on public place
  4. Secure information by police from culprits

Q.9:- Which of the following is correctly matched ?

  1. Part – II of the Constitution – Fundamental Rights
  2. Part – III of the Constitution – Citizenship
  3. Part IV A of the Constitution – Fundamental Duties
  4. Part – V of the Constitution – Directive Principles of the State Police

Q.10:- ‘He represents the nation but does not lead the nation’. This dictum applies on whom of the following ?

  1. Speaker of the Lok Sabha
  2. Chief Justice of India
  3. Prime Minister
  4. President

Q.11:- The President of India is elected by the numbers of an electoral college which does not include ?

  1. The elected members of the Rajya Sabha
  2. The elected members of the Lok Sabha
  3. The elected members of the State Assemblies
  4. The elected members of the State Legislative Councils

Q.12:- Which one of the following is not a constitutional prerogative of the President of India ?

  1. Returning an ordinary bill for reconsideration
  2. Returning a finance bill for reconsideration
  3. Dissolving the Lok Sabha
  4. Appointing the Prime Minister

Q.13:- Which one of the following is the correct sequence of persons who occupied the office of the President of India right from beginning ?

  1. Rajagopalachari, Rajendra Prasad, Zakir Hussain, V.V. Giri
  2. Rajagopalachari, Rajendra Prasad, V.V. Giri, Zakir Hussain
  3. Rajendra Prasad, S. Radhakrishnan, Zakir Hussain, V.V. Giri
  4. Rajendra Prasad, S. Radhakrishnan, V.V. Giri, Zakir Hussain
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Q.14:- Comptroller and Auditor General of India is appointed by ?

  1. President
  2. Speaker of the Lok Sabha
  3. Chairman of the Planning Commission
  4. Finance Minister

Q.15:- The Constitution authorises the President to make provisions for discharge of duties of Governor in extraordinary circumstances under the ?

  1. Article 160
  2. Article 162
  3. Article 165
  4. Article 310

Q.16:- What is the tenure of the Prime Minister of India?

  1. Conterminous with the tenure of the Lok Sabha
  2. Conterminous with the tenure of the President
  3. As long as he enjoys the support of a majority in the Lok Sabha
  4. Five Years

Q.17:- Which one of the following statement is not correct ?

  1. The Vice-President of India holds office for a period of five years
  2. The Vice-President of India can be removed by a single majority of votes passed in the Rajya Sabha only
  3. The Vice-President of India continues to be in office even after the expiry of his term till his successor takes over
  4. The Supreme Court of India has to look into all disputes with regard to the election of the Vice-President of India

Q.18:- With reference to Lok Adalats, which of the following statements is correct ?

  1. Lok Adalats have the jurisdiction to settle the matters at pre-litigative stage and not those matters pending before any court
  2. Lok Adalats can deal with matters which are civil not criminal in nature
  3. Every Lok Adalat consists of either serving or retired judicial officers only and not any other person
  4. None of the statements given above is correct
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Q.19:- Which one of the following states has a separate constitution ?

  1. Arunachal Pradesh
  2. Assam
  3. Jammu and Kashmir
  4. Sikkim

Q.20:- Financial distribution between the Union and the States takes place on the basis of the recommendations of which one of the following ?

  1. National Development Council
  2. Inter-State Council
  3. Planning Commission
  4. Finance Commission

Q.21:- Which one of the following is not included in the State List in the Constitution of India ?

  1. Criminal Procedure Code
  2. Police
  3. Law and Order
  4. Prison

Q.22:- Which is not a Central Service ?

  1. India Police Service (IPS)
  2. India Foreign Service (IFS)
  3. India Audit and Accounts Service (IAAS)
  4. Indian Revenue Service (IRS)

Q.23:- Five Years Plan in India is finally approved by ?

  1. Union Cabinet
  2. President on the advice of Prime Minister
  3. Planning Commission
  4. National Development Council

Q.24:- The Finance Ministry (Government of India) has introduced the concept of ‘Outcome-Budget’ from 2005. Under this, the monitoring of the outcomes will be the responsibility of ?

  1. Union Cabinet
  2. Planning Commission
  3. Finance Ministry and Planning Commission Jointly
  4. Ministry of Programme Implementation

Q.25:- Areawise, which one of the following is the largest Lok Sabha constituency ?

  1. Kutch
  2. Kangra
  3. Laddakh
  4. Patna Sahib