Indian Polity Selected Exams Questions and Answers Set 6

Q.1:- Which of the following is not included in the Directive Principles of State Policy ?

  1. Prohibition of Liquor
  2. Right to work
  3. Equal wage for equal work
  4. Right to information

Q.2:- Which one of the following statements correctly describes the Fourth Schedule of the Constitution of India ?

  1. It lists the distribution of powers between the Union and the States
  2. It contains the languages listed in the Constitution
  3. It contains the provisions regarding administration of Tribal areas
  4. It allocates seats in the Council of States

Q.3:- “It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to protect and improve the natural environment”. This statement refers to which of the following Articles of the Constitution of India ?

  1. Article 21
  2. Article 48 A
  3. Article 51 A
  4. Article 56

Q.4:- The power to curve out a new State is vested in ?

  1. The Parliament
  2. The President
  3. The Council of Ministers
  4. State’s Reorganisation Commission

Q.5:- Provision regarding Municipalities Panchayats was made in the Indian Constitution in which year ?

  1. 1991
  2. 1993
  3. 1995
  4. 2000

Q.6:- Who was the Prime Minister of India when the Anti-Defection Bill was passed ?

  1. Indira Gandhi
  2. Rajiv Gandhi
  3. P. Singh
  4. D. Deve Gowda

Q.7:- Which Constitutional Amendment deleted the Right to Property from the list of Fundamental Rights ?

  1. 42nd Amendment
  2. 43rd Amendment
  3. 44th Amendment
  4. 62nd Amendment

Q.8:- By which one of the following Constitutional Amendments Delhi has become National Capital Region (NCR) ?

  1. 61st Amendment
  2. 69th Amendment
  3. 71st Amendment
  4. 79th Amendment
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Q.9:- The Unitary System of Government possesses which of the following advantages ?

  1. Greater adaptability
  2. Strong State
  3. Greater Participation by the people
  4. Lesser chances of authoritarianism

Q.10:- The concept of Judicial Review in our Constitution has been taken from the Constitution of ?

  1. England
  2. USA
  3. Canada
  4. Australia

Q.11:- A Money Bill in the Indian Parliament can be introduced only with the recommendation of the ?

  1. President
  2. Prime Minister
  3. Speaker of Lok Sabha
  4. Union Finance Minister

Q.12:- ‘Votes on Account’ permits Union Government to ?

  1. Go for public loan
  2. Borrow money from the Reserve Bank of India
  3. Give grants in aid to States
  4. Withdraw money from Consolidated Fund of India for specific period

Q.13:- The Committee of Parliament on Official Language comprises the members ?

  1. 20 from Lok Sabha and 10 from Rajya Sabha
  2. 10 from Lok Sabha and 20 from Rajya Sabha
  3. 10 from Lok Sabha and 10 from Rajya Sabha
  4. 20 from Lok Sabha and 20 from Rajya Sabha

Q.14:- What was the reason for Gandhiji’s support to decentralisation of power ?

  1. Decentralisation ensures more participation of the people into democracy
  2. India had decentralisation of power in the past
  3. Decentralisation was essential for the economic development of the country
  4. Decentralisation can prevent communalism

Q.15:- Which of the following is a source of income of the Gram Panchayats ?

  1. Income Tax
  2. Sales Tax
  3. Professional Tax
  4. Levy Duties
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Q.16:- Which of the following States started the Panchayati Raj institutions soon after the 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act was passed ?

  1. Karnataka
  2. Bihar
  3. West Bengal
  4. Odisha

Q.17:- The main purpose of Panchayati Raj is ?

  1. To create employment
  2. To increase agricultural production
  3. To make people politically conscious
  4. To make people participate in developmental administration

Q.18:- Which one of the following expenditures is not charged on the Consolidated Fund of India ?

  1. Salary and allowances of the President of India
  2. Salary and allowances of the Vice-President of India
  3. Salary and allowances of the Justice of the Supreme Court of India
  4. Salary and allowances of the Speaker of the Lok Sabha

Q.19:- The finance commission ?

  1. Draws up Five Year Plans
  2. Formulates Monetary Policy
  3. Recommends pay revision of Central Government Employees
  4. Adjudicates on the sharing of resources between Centre and the States

Q.20:- Consider the following statements with regard to the Planning Commission (PC) and Finance Commission (FC) and state which of these statements is not correct ?

  1. Both PC and FC are institutions for the transfer of resources from centre to the states
  2. Recommendations given by both are binding on the Government
  3. While PC is a permanent body FC is constituted every 5 years
  4. FC awards non-plan resources while PC allocates plan resources
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Q.21:- Fiscal policy refers to ?

  1. Agricultural Fertilizer Policy
  2. Rural Credit Policy
  3. Interest Policy
  4. Related to revenue and expenditure policy of the Government

Q.22:- The Nehru-Liaquat Pact between India and Pakistan was signed in 1950 to resolve the issue of ?

  1. The Protection of minorities
  2. The accession of Princely States
  3. The border disputes
  4. The problem of refugees

Q.23:- The Liberhan Commission is related to ?

  1. Fodder scan
  2. Administrative Tribunals
  3. Babri Masjid demolition
  4. Reservation of minorities

Q.24:- Which among the following is the correct expression of the term ‘Secular’ in India ?

  1. India has many religion
  2. Indians have religious freedom
  3. To follow the religion depends upon the will of an individual
  4. There is no religion of the State in India

Q.25:- Article 340 of the Constitution of India provides for the appointment of a commission to investigate the conditions for the improvement of ?

  1. Socially and educationally backward classes
  2. Socially and economically backward classes
  3. Educationally and economically backward classes
  4. Scheduled castes and scheduled tribes