Indian Polity Selected Exams Questions and Answers Set 5

Q.1:- Which one of the following is the first State to have been formed on linguistic basis ?

  1. Andhra Pradesh
  2. Gujarat
  3. Karnataka
  4. Punjab

Q.2:- The Schedule of Constitution of India contains special provisions for the administration and control of Schedule Areas in several States ?

  1. Third
  2. Fifth
  3. Seventh
  4. Ninth

Q.3:- Which of the following States is a member of the ‘Seven Sisters’ ?

  1. West Bengal
  2. Tripura
  3. Orissa
  4. Bihar

Q.4:- Who of the following became Prime Minister of India without becoming a Union Cabinet Minister ?

  1. Chaudhary Charan Singh
  2. D. Deve Gowda
  3. Morarji Desai
  4. K. Gujral

Q.5:- The Vice President is the ex-officio Chairman of the ?

  1. Rajya Sabha
  2. Lok Sabha
  3. Planning Commission
  4. National Development Council

Q.6:- The Union Executive of India consists of ?

  1. The President, Vice President and the Council of Ministers only
  2. The President and the council of Ministers only
  3. The President, the Vice President, the Council of Ministers and Lok Sabha Speaker
  4. The President, the Prime Minister, Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha, Lok Sabha Speaker

Q.7:- Which of the following States / Union Territories have a common High Court ?

  1. Uttar Pradesh and Bihar
  2. Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh
  3. Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir
  4. Assam and Bengal

Q.8:- Which of the following High Courts has the largest number of Benches ?

  1. Kolkata High Court
  2. Madhya Pradesh High Court
  3. Bombay High Court
  4. Guwahati High Court

Q.9:- The Preamble of our Constitution reads India as ?

  1. Sovereign, Socialist, Secular, Democratic Republic
  2. Sovereign, Democratic, Socialist, Secular Republic
  3. Socialist, Sovereign, Democratic, Secular Republic
  4. Democratic, Sovereign, Secular, Socialist Republic
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Q.10:- The declaration that Democracy is a Government ‘of the people, by the people, for the people’ was made by ?

  1. Abraham Lincoln
  2. George Washington
  3. Theodore Roosevelt
  4. Winston Churchill

Q.11:- Right to Education Act (2002) was introduced to help which of the following groups of society ?

  1. Children of the age 6 to 14 years
  2. College going teenagers
  3. All adults who could not get formal education
  4. Those who are interested in technical education
  5. Female students studying senior secondary schools

Q.12:- The term of the Lok Sabha ?

  1. Cannot be extended under any circumstances
  2. Can be extended by six months at a time
  3. Can be extended by one year at a time during the proclamation of emergency
  4. Can be extended for two years at a time during the proclamation of emergency

Q.13:- How is Rajya Sabha dissolved ?

  1. At the end of Chairman’s tenure
  2. President dissolves after 5 years
  3. Dissolved with Lok Sabha automatically
  4. None of the above

Q.14:- Who holds the power to appoint the nominees for Anglo-Indian Community in the Lok Sabha ?

  1. Minorities Commission
  2. President of India
  3. Prime Minister
  4. Vice-President

Q.15:- With reference to Indian Parliament, which one of the following is not correct ?

  1. The Appropriation Bill must be passed by both the Houses of Parliament before it can be enacted into law
  2. Non money shall be withdrawn from the Consolidated Fund of India except under the appropriation made by the Appropriation Act
  3. Finance Bill is required for proposing new taxes but no other Bill / Act is required for making changes in the rates of taxes which are already under operation
  4. No Money Bill can be introduced except on the recommendation of the President
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Q.16:- The speaker can stop a Member of Parliament from speaking and left another member speak. This phenomenon is known as :

  1. Decorum
  2. Crossing the floor
  3. Interpellation
  4. Yielding the floor

Q.17:- Until Parliament by law otherwise provide which one of the following constitutes quorum of meeting of either House of the Parliament ?

  1. One-tenth of the total number of members of the House
  2. One Fourth of the total number of members of the House
  3. One-third of the total number of members of the House
  4. Two-third of the total number of members of the House

Q.18:- What can be the maximum interval between two Sessions of Parliament ?

  1. 3 months
  2. 4 Months
  3. 6 Months
  4. 9 Months

Q.19:- Which one of the following duties is not performed by Comptroller and Auditor General of India ?

  1. To audit and report on all expenditure from the Consolidated Fund of India
  2. To audit and report on all expenditure from the Contingency Funds and Public Accounts
  3. To audit and report on all trading, manufacturing, profit and loss accounts
  4. To control the receipt and issue of public money, and to ensure that the public revenue is lodged in the exchequer

Q.20:- The Parliament can make any law for the whole or any part India for implementing International treaties ?

  1. With the consent of all the state
  2. With the consent of the majority of states
  3. With the consent of the states concerned
  4. Without the consent of any state
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Q.21:- If a Member of Parliament becomes disqualified for membership, the decision of this removal is taken by ?

  1. Chief Election Commissioner
  2. President of India on the advice of Council of Ministers
  3. President of India on enquiry by a Supreme Court Judge
  4. President in accordance with the opinion of the Election Commission

Q.22:- The Constitution (98th Amendment) Act is related to ?

  1. Empowering the centre to levy and appropriate service tax
  2. The constitution of the National Judicial Commission
  3. Readjustment of electoral constituencies on the basis of the population Census 2001
  4. The demarcation of new boundaries between states

Q.23:- The system of Judicial Review exists in ?

  1. India Only
  2. UK Only
  3. USA Only
  4. India and USA

Q.24:- The Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission ?

  1. Is the Prime Minister
  2. Is the Planning Minister
  3. Holds the rank of a Cabinet Minister
  4. Is an economist of repute

Q.25:- The right to vote in India is given to all people on the basis of ?

  1. Education
  2. Property
  3. Religion
  4. Age