Indian Economy Selected Questions and Answers Set 5

Q.1:- Which of the following is not the part of the structure of the Financial System in India ? [Bank of India PO 2008]

  1. Industrial Finance
  2. Agricultural Finance
  3. Government Finance
  4. Development Finance
  5. Personal Finance

Q.2:- The amount of which of the following reflects the overall budgetary position of the Government of India at a given time. [India Overseas Bank 2009]

  1. Revenue Deficit
  2. Total Amount of Income Tax Collected
  3. Capital Deficit
  4. Fiscal Deficit
  5. None of these

Q.3:- Which one of the following is not related with income from corporate sector in India ? [UP PCS (Main) 2005]

  1. Fringe Benefit Tax
  2. Tax on Company Profit
  3. Minimum Alternative Tax
  4. Capital Gains Tax

Q.4:- Fiscal Deficit is ?

  1. Total expenditure – Total receipts
  2. Revenue expenditure – Revenue receipts
  3. Capital expenditure – Capital receipt – Borrowings
  4. Sum of budget deficit and Government’s market borrowings and Liabilities

Q.5:- The India Income Tax is ?

  1. Direct and Proportional
  2. Indirect and Proportional
  3. Direct and Progressive
  4. Indirect and Progressive

Q.6:- MODVAT is related to ?

  1. Sales Tax
  2. Wealth Tax
  3. Income Tax
  4. Excise Duty

Q.7:- Which of the following taxes  / duties is not under the jurisdiction of the Central Government ?

  1. Land Revenue
  2. Personal Income Tax
  3. Corporate Income Tax
  4. Custom Duties
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Q.8:- VAT is imposed ?

  1. Directly on consumer
  2. On final stage of the production
  3. On first stage of the production
  4. On all stages between production and final sale

Q.9:- The largest item of expenditure in the current account of the Central Government budget is ?

  1. Defence Expenditure
  2. Subsidies
  3. Interest Payments
  4. Expenditure on social services

Q.10:- The term Green Revolution has been used to indicate higher production through ?

  1. Creation of grasslands
  2. Planting more trees
  3. Creation of gardens in urban areas
  4. Enhanced agricultural productivity per hectare

Q.11:- Poverty level in India is established on the basis of ?

  1. Per capita income in different states
  2. House hold average income
  3. House hold consumer expenditure
  4. Slum population in the country

Q.12:- When was the concept of the Human Development Index (HDI) introduced by the United Nationals Development Programme ?

  1. 1990
  2. 1991
  3. 1993
  4. 1995

Q.13:- Per Capita Income of a country derived from ?

  1. National Income
  2. Population
  3. National Income and Population Both
  4. None of these

Q.14:- Which of the following can be called as a part of the Service Sector ?

  1. Textile Mills
  2. Banking
  3. Coal Mines
  4. Agriculture
  5. None of these
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Q.15:- In India, Hindu Rate of Growth is associated with which of the following ? [UP PCS (Main) 2004]

  1. Birth Rate
  2. Population
  3. Per Capita Income
  4. National Income

Q.16:- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is defined as the value of all ?

  1. Goods produced in an economy in a year
  2. Goods and services in an economy in a year
  3. Final goods produced in an economy in a year
  4. Final goods and services produced in an economy in a year

Q.17:- The main source of National Income in India is ?

  1. Service Sector
  2. Agriculture
  3. Industrial Sector
  4. Trade Sector

Q.18:- Net National Product (NNP) of a country is ?

  1. GDP minus depreciation allowances
  2. GDP plus net income from abroad
  3. GNP minus net income from abroad
  4. GNP minus depreciation allowances

Q.19:- Which is the highest body that approves Five Year Plans in the country ?

  1. Planning Commission
  2. Union Cabinet
  3. Parliament
  4. National Development Council

Q.20:- Economic Planning is in ?

  1. Union List
  2. State List
  3. Concurrent List
  4. Not any specified list

Q.21:- Inclusive growth would necessitate ?

  1. Development of infrastructural facilities
  2. Revival of Agriculture
  3. Increase availability of social service such as education and health
  4. All the above
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Q.22:- Who of the following is Chairman of the Planning Commission of India ?

  1. Pro A.M. Khusro
  2. K.P. Salve
  3. S. Ahluwalia
  4. None of these

Q.23:- In the context of India’s Five Year Plans, a shift in the pattern of industrialization, with lower emphasis of heavy industries and move on infrastructure begins in ? [UPSC 2010]

  1. Fourth Plan
  2. Sixth Plan
  3. Eight Plan
  4. Tenth Plan

Q.24:- According to Census 2001, the second most populous State of the country is ?

  1. Bihar
  2. West Bengal
  3. Maharashtra
  4. Rajasthan

Q.25:- The first Census in India during the British period was held during the tenure of ?

  1. Lord Dufferin
  2. Lord Lytton
  3. Lord Mayo
  4. Lord Ripon