Indian Economy Selected Questions and Answers Set 4

Q.1:- Which one is not a component to construct Human Development Index in India under UNDP (United Nation Development Programme) ?

  1. Real GDP per capita in US Dollar
  2. Literacy Rate
  3. Life Expectancy at Birth
  4. Infant Mortality Rate

Q.2:- Scheme of Mid-Day Meal is not connected with ?

  1. Educational Advancement
  2. Social Equity
  3. Right to Food
  4. Child Nutrition

Q.3:- Among the following, who are eligible to benefit from Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) ?

  1. Adult members of only the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Households
  2. Adult members of Below Poverty Line (BPL) Households
  3. Adult members of households of all Backward Communities
  4. Adult members of any households

Q.4:- For reducing birth rate in India Amartya Sen has emphasised ?

  1. The need for improving female literacy
  2. The need for reducing mortality mortality
  3. The need for increasing per capita income
  4. The need for increasing the growth rate of Gross Domestic Product

Q.5:- The commission in India dealing with minimum support price, procurement price etc. in connection with agricultural goods is the ?

  1. Planning Commission
  2. Agriculture Costs and Price Commission
  3. Agriculture Price Commission
  4. National Marketing Commission

Q.6:- ‘Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana’ has been launched for ?

  1. Providing Housing Loan to poor people at cheaper interest rates
  2. Promoting Women’s Self Help Groups in backward areas
  3. Promoting Financial Inclusion in the country
  4. Providing Financial Help to the Marginalised Communities
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Q.7:- A labour intensive industry is one that ?

  1. Requires hard manual labour
  2. Pay adequate wages to the labour
  3. Employs more hands
  4. Provides facilities to labour

Q.8:- Which of the following is a Navaratna PSE ? (SSC Mat. 2008)

  1. Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd.
  2. Container Corporation of India Ltd.
  3. MMTC Ltd.
  4. Engineers India Ltd.

Q.9:- The licensing policy for the industries drew strength from ?

  1. Industrial Policy Resolution 1948
  2. Industrial Policy Resolution 1956
  3. Congress Party Resolution of Establishing Socialistic Pattern of Society
  4. Industrial Act, 1951

Q.10:- When the prices of commodities, goods and services start declining consistently, the phenomenon is known as ?

  1. Discount Yield
  2. Deflation
  3. Negative Growth
  4. Market Capitalism
  5. None of these

Q.11:- Which is the first Indian Company to be listed on NASDAQ ?

  1. Reliance
  2. TCS
  3. HCL
  4. Infosys

Q.12:- Which of the following terms is not a financial term ?

  1. Investment
  2. Core Banking Solution
  3. RTGS
  4. El Nino Effect
  5. All are financial terms

Q.13:- Many a time we see a term in newspaper IPO. What is the full form of the same ?

  1. Initial Public Offer
  2. Indian Public Offer
  3. Institutional Purchase Offer
  4. Industrial Purchase Offer
  5. India Purchase Offer

Q.14:- Which of the following organisations is known as the market regulator in India ?

  1. SEBI
  2. IBA
  3. AMFI
  4. NSDL
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Q.15:- Which from the following is not true when the interest rate in the economy goes up ?

  1. Saving increases
  2. Lending decreases
  3. Cost of production increases
  4. Return on capital increases

Q.16:- The relationship between the value of money and the price level in an economy is ?

  1. Direct
  2. Inverse
  3. Proportional
  4. Stable

Q.17:- Many times we read in financial newspaper FII. What is the full form of FII ?

  1. Final Investment in India
  2. Foreign Investment in India
  3. Formal Investment in India
  4. Fair Institutional Investment
  5. Foreign Institutional Investment

Q.18:- Production function explains the relationship between :

  1. Initial inputs and ultimate output
  2. Inputs and ultimate consumption
  3. Output and consumption
  4. Output and exports

Q.19:- A fall in demand or rise in supply of a commodity ?

  1. Increases the price of that commodity
  2. Decreases the price of that commodity
  3. Neutralises the changes in the price
  4. Determines that price elasticity

Q.20:- Bank Rate is the rate ?

  1. At which banks lend money to the depositors
  2. At which Reserve Bank of India lends money to commercial Banks
  3. The rate at which banks lend to the Industrial Financial Institutions
  4. None of the above

Q.21:- The term Plastic Money applies to ?

  1. Bank draft made of plastic coated paper
  2. Currency notes impregnated with plastic thread
  3. Currency notes printed on plastic coated paper
  4. Credit cards mainly issued by the banks
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Q.22:- An increase in CRR by the Reserve Bank of India results in ? [UP PCS (Pre) 2010]

  1. Decrease in debt of the government
  2. Reduction in liquidity in the economy
  3. Attracting more FDI in the country
  4. More flow of credit to desired sectors

Q.23:- Many times we read in newspapers that the RBI has revised certain rates / ratios under LAF. What is the full form of LAF ?

  1. Liquidity Adjustment Facility
  2. Legal Adjustment Facility
  3. Long Term Achievement Facility
  4. Legal Adjustment Formality
  5. None of these

Q.24:- The interest rate at which the Reserve Bank of India lends to commercial banks in the short term to maintain liquidity is known as ?

  1. Interest Rate
  2. Repo Rate
  3. Bank Rate
  4. Reverse Repo Rate

Q.25:- Fiscal Policy is related to ?

  1. Money supply in the economy
  2. Regulation of the banking system
  3. Planning for economic development
  4. Government’s Revenue and Expenditure