Indian Economy Selected Questions and Answers Set 10

Q.1:- The main objective of the 12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017) is ?

  1. Inclusive growth and poverty reduction
  2. Inclusive and sustainable growth
  3. Sustainable and inclusive growth to reduce unemployment
  4. Faster, sustainable and more inclusive growth

Q.2:- In which Five Year Plan, Economic Development Rate was maximum ? [UP PCS (Main) 2007; UP PCS (Main) 2009]

  1. First Five Year Plan
  2. Fourth Five Year Plan
  3. Sixth Five Year Plan
  4. Tenth Five Year Plan

Q.3:- The theme of the approach paper of the Eleventh Five Year Plan has been ?

  1. Indicative Planning
  2. Growth with Social Justice
  3. Towards faster and more inclusive growth
  4. Planning for prosperity

Q.4:- Which of the following is an extra constitutional body ?

  1. Union Public Service Commission
  2. Finance Commission
  3. Election Commission
  4. Planning Commission

Q.5:- The real introduction of Decentralized Planning in India was made for the first time during the ?

  1. 7th Plan
  2. 8th Plan
  3. 9th Plan
  4. 10th Plan

Q.6:- Which State of India has recorded the highest rate of population growth in the last Census 2001 ? [SSC 2006; Utt. PSC 2006]

  1. Gujarat
  2. Manipur
  3. Nagaland
  4. Haryana

Q.7:- Identify the Indian State which has the lowest sex ratio ? [SSC 2006]

  1. Haryana
  2. Arunachal Pradesh
  3. Uttar Pradesh
  4. Punjab

Q.8:- Which one of the following is the correct sequence of Union Territories of India in the increasing order of their area ? [CDS Exam 2007]

  1. Lakshadweep – Chandigarh-Puducherry-Andman and Nicobar Islands
  2. Lakshadweep-Chandigarh-Andman and Nicobar Islands-Puducherry
  3. Puducherry-Lakshadweep-Chandigarh-Andman and Nicobar Islands
  4. Puducherry-Chandigarh-Andman and Nicobar Islands-Lakshadweep

Q.9:- What is the sex ratio in India as per Census 2001 ? [46th BPSC 2004]

  1. 933 females per 1000 males
  2. 945 females per 1000 males
  3. 964 females per 1000 males
  4. 985 females per 1000 males
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Q.10:- What is the correct sequence of the most populous States of India according to Census data of 2001 ? [Utt. PSC (Pre) 2005]

  1. Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh
  2. Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal
  3. Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Bihar
  4. Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Bihar

Q.11:- India is regarded as a country with ‘Demographic Divide’. This is due to ?

  1. Its high population in the age group below 15 years
  2. Its high population in the age group of 15-64 years
  3. Its high population in the age group above 65 years
  4. Its high total population

Q.12:- The Tehri Hydro Power Complex is located in the State of ?

  1. Uttarakhand
  2. Uttar Pradesh
  3. Himachal Pradesh
  4. Sikkim

Q.13:- Which one of the following National Highways is the longest ?

  1. NH-2
  2. NH-7
  3. NH-8
  4. NH-15

Q.14:- As per the newspaper reports, the Government of India made an auction of the third Generation (3G) Spectrum recently. Which of the following ministries was actively involved in the process ? [SBI PO 2010]

  1. Ministry of Heavy Industries
  2. Ministry of Science and Technology
  3. Ministry of Commerce
  4. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  5. Ministry of Communication and Information Technology

Q.15:- Which of the following is not a component of Bharat Nirman Programme ? [UP PCS (Main) Exam 2008 ]

  1. Agro-based industries
  2. Rural Electrification
  3. Rural housing
  4. Rural telephony

Q.16:- Among other things, which one of the following was the purpose for which the Deepak Parekh Committee was constituted ? [UPSC 2009]

  1. To study the current socio-economic conditions of certain minority communities
  2. To suggest measures for financing the development of infrastructure
  3. To frame a policy on the production of genetically modified organisms
  4. To suggest measures to reduce the fiscal deficit in the Union Budget
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Q.17:- Which of the following is not a social development scheme launched by the Government of India ? [SBI Clerk 2009]

  1. Indira Awas Yojana
  2. Kutir Jyoti
  3. Operation Black Board
  4. Mid-Day Meal Scheme
  5. Look East Policy

Q.18:- Which of the following represents ‘T’ in the abbreviation IRDP ?

  1. Integrated
  2. Indian
  3. Insurance
  4. Important
  5. Internal

Q.19:- ‘Food for Work Programme’ was introduced during which one of the following Five Year Plans ?

  1. I
  2. II
  3. V
  4. IX

Q.20:- The major thrust of Jawahar Rojgar Yojana (JRY) is on ? [CDS 2010]

  1. Providing training to rural youth for self-employment
  2. Creating additional wage employment opportunities in rural areas
  3. Creating employment opportunities in urban areas
  4. Removal of poverty among the Scheduled Castes in rural areas

Q.21:- In a company the use of price sensitive corporate information by the company people to make gains or cover losses is known as ?

  1. Inside Trading
  2. Future Trading
  3. Foreign Trading
  4. Stock Trading
  5. None of these

Q.22:- Which of the following policies of the financial sectors is basically designed to transfer local financial assets into foreign financial assets freely and market determined exchange rates? Policy of ? [Indian Overseas Bank PO 2009]

  1. Capital Account Convertibility
  2. Financial Deficit Management
  3. Minimum Support Price
  4. Restrictive Trade Practices
  5. None of these

Q.23:- Many a time we read in the newspapers a term ‘Hot Money’. Which of the following is the correct definition of Hot Money ?

  1. This is the fund which is dumped into a country to get the advantage of a favourable interest rate and hence brings higher returns.
  2. This is the fund which is provided by a bank in US Dollar at very short notices and a at very high rate of interest and for a longer period of repayment.
  3. This is the fund which is pushed into market through Hawala or some other such illegal method and is sometimes referred to also as Black Money.
  4. Both ‘A’ and ‘B’
  5. Both ‘A’ and ‘C’
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Q.24:- What is an Indian Depository Receipt (IDR) ?

  1. A deposit account with a public sector bank
  2. A depository account with any of the Depositories in India
  3. An instrument in the form of depository receipt created by an Indian depository against underlying equity shares of the issuing company.
  4. An instrument in the form of deposit receipt issued by Indian depositors
  5. None of these

Q.25:- Which of the following cannot be called a Debt Instrument as referred in financial transactions ?

  1. Certified of Deposits
  2. Bonds
  3. Stocks
  4. Commercial Papers
  5. Loans