Indian Economy Selected Questions and Answers Set 8

Q.1:- The Rolling Plan concept in national planning was introduced by ?

  1. Indira Gandhi Government
  2. The National Front Government
  3. The Janata Party Government
  4. Rajiv Gandhi Government

Q.2:- The Second Five Year Plan was based on ?

  1. Mahalanobis Model
  2. Vakil and Brahmananda’s Wage – Goods Model
  3. Harrod – Domar Growth Model
  4. Solow Growth Model

Q.3:- The term ‘Mixed Economy’ denoted ?

  1. Existence of both rural and urban sectors
  2. Existence of both private and public sectors
  3. Existence of both heavy and small industries
  4. Existence of both developed and underdeveloped sectors

Q.4:- Which is not included in the private income arising in a country ?

  1. Factor income from net domestic product
  2. Net factor income from abroad
  3. Current transfer from Government
  4. Current Payments on foreign loans

Q.5:- Economic liberalisation in India started with ?

  1. Substantial changes in industrial licensing policy
  2. The convertibility of India rupee
  3. Doing away with procedural formalities for foreign direct investment
  4. Significant reduction in tax rates

Q.6:- Per Capita Income is obtained by dividing National Income by ?

  1. Total population of the country
  2. Total working population
  3. Area of the country
  4. Volume of the capital used

Q.7:- Depreciation is equal to ?

  1. Gross National Product – Net National Product
  2. Net National Product – Gross National Product
  3. Gross National Product – Personal Income
  4. Personal Income – Personal Taxes
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Q.8:- Which one of the following is not within the duties of the Planning Commission ?

  1. To define the state of growth and suggest allocation of resources
  2. To make an assessment of the material, capital and human resources of the country
  3. To determine the nature of machinery required for implementation of plan proposals
  4. To prepare the annual central budget

Q.9:- A rolling plan refers to a plan which ?

  1. Does not change its targets every year
  2. Changes its allocations every year
  3. Changes its allocations and targets every year
  4. Changes only its targets every year

Q.10:- In which Five Year Plan, the main objective was the eradication of poverty ?

  1. Fourth Five Year Plan
  2. Fifth Five Year Plan
  3. Sixth Five Year Plan
  4. Seventh Five Year Plan

Q.11:- The Slogan ‘Garibi Unmulan’ (Poverty Eradication) was given in which Five Year Plan ?

  1. Second Plan
  2. Fourth Plan
  3. Fifth Plan
  4. Sixth Plan

Q.12:- ‘Twenty Point Programme’ (Beessutri Karyakrama) was first launched in the year ?

  1. 1969
  2. 1975
  3. 1977
  4. 1980

Q.13:- The most literate Union Territory in India is ?

  1. Delhi
  2. Lakshadweep
  3. Chandigarh
  4. Pondicherry

Q.14:- Which of the final authorities in India to approve Five Year Plans ?

  1. Union Council of Ministers
  2. Planning Commission
  3. Prime Minister
  4. None of these
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Q.15:- Primary emphasis during Second Plan was laid on the development of ?

  1. Rural Areas
  2. Basics and Key Industries
  3. Foreign Trade
  4. Consumer Industries

Q.16:- The three largest States of India in order of area are ?

  1. Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra
  2. Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra
  3. Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh
  4. Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan

Q.17:- The least populated State in India is ? [RRB Bangaluru Technical Trade 2008]

  1. Goa
  2. Sikkim
  3. Manipur
  4. None of these

Q.18:- By 2001 literacy average in India touched ? [UP PCS (Main) 2004; SSC Grad. 2006]

  1. 38% of the population
  2. 85% of the population
  3. 16% of the population
  4. 36% of the population

Q.19:- Which one of the following Union Territories of India has more females than males ? [UP PCS (Main) 2006; UP PCS (Pre) 2009]

  1. Chandigarh
  2. Delhi
  3. Lakshadweep
  4. Puducherry

Q.20:- Which State has the lowest literacy rate according to 2001 Census report ?

  1. Arunachal Pradesh
  2. Madhya Pradesh
  3. Bihar
  4. Haryana

Q.21:- In India, the highest decline in sex ratio during 1991-2001 has been observed in ?

  1. Haryana
  2. Himachal Pradesh
  3. Dadra and Nagar Haveli
  4. Daman and Diu

Q.22:- Which one of the following statement is true ?

  1. As per 2001 Census the population density of India is 354 person / km square
  2. Bihar is the most densely populated State of India
  3. Uttar Pradesh has more than twice the population density of India
  4. Sikkim is the least densely populated State of the country
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Q.23:- Which one of the following State is most urbanised as per 2001 Census report ?

  1. Gujarat
  2. Karnataka
  3. Tamil Nadu
  4. West Bengal

Q.24:- The Buckingham Canal, which has been declared a National Waterway of India recently, is a canal running from ? [Indian Overseas Bank PO 2009]

  1. Punjab to Haryana
  2. Mumbai to Goa
  3. Vijayawada to Villupuram
  4. Cochin to Kozhikode
  5. Kanyakumari to Rameshwaram

Q.25:- Which State in India is estimated to have the largest coal reserves in India ? [SSC Grad. 2001; SSC Tax Assit. 2008]

  1. Bihar
  2. Jharkhand
  3. Madhya Pradesh
  4. Orissa