IBPS Bank Clerk Online CWE IV 07-12-2014 Solved Paper : General Awareness

Q1:- The headquarter of Asian Development Bank is located in

  1. Abu Dhabi
  2. Paris
  3. Washington
  4. Manila
  5. Geneva

Q2. What is the currency of New Zealand?

  1. New Zealand Pound
  2. New Zealand Dollar
  3. New Zealand Rupees
  4. New Zealand Franc
  5. New Zealand Peso

Q3:- What is the Capital of Fiji?

  1. Kiribati
  2. Suva
  3. Kampala
  4. Havana
  5. Carcass

Q4:- GST is a tax applied on

  1. Producer
  2. Goods and service
  3. Industrial Trade
  4. Commerce
  5. Industrial Finance

Q5:- Which of the following states has the longest international boundary?

  1. Gujrat
  2. Rajasthan
  3. Himachal Pradesh
  4. Jammu and Kashmir
  5. Uttar Pradesh

Q6:- With which of the following games in Sardar Singh associated?

  1. Boxing
  2. Cricket
  3. Hockey
  4. Badminton
  5. Football

Q7:- Where is the headquarter of WHO located?

  1. Geneva
  2. New York
  3. Manila
  4. Paris
  5. Vienna

Q8:- Google recently launched an android based operating system. What is the name of this operating system ?

  1. Kit-Kat
  2. Perk
  3. Star
  4. Zenith
  5. Chrome

Q9:- The full Form of NEFT is

  1. National Electronics Fund Transfer
  2. National Electronics Fund Transfer
  3. National Exchange Fund Transfer
  4. National Estimation of Fund Transfer
  5. None of these

Q10:- Prime Minster Narendra Modi recently launched Jan Dhan Yojana. What is its main purpose?

  1. It was launched for comprehensive financial inclusion
  2. It was launched for providing financial assistance to rural people only
  3. It was launched for providing financial assistance to whole country’s people
  4. It was launched for ensuring access to financial service to all
  5. Both 1 and 4

Q11:- Kisan Vikas Patra was recently launched by finance Minister Arun Jaitley. What is it?

  1. Small Saving Scheme
  2. Postal Life Insurance scheme
  3. Agricultural Insurance scheme
  4. Inflation Indexed Bond scheme
  5. None of these
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Q12:- Who among the following is the Chairmen of 14th Finance Commission?

  1. YV Reddy
  2. Bimal Jalan
  3. C Rangarajan
  4. Suresh Prabhu
  5. Dinesh Kaushik

Q13:- During Visakhapatnam’s cyclone Hudhud , the Indian Navy launched a relief and rescue operation known as

  1. Operation Lehar
  2. Operation Samudra
  3. Operation Valour
  4. Operation save and salvage
  5. Operation Suraksha

Q14:- Who among the following is a winner of Nobel Prize in Economics?

  1. Jean Tirole
  2. Patrick Modiano
  3. William E Moerner
  4. May Britt Moser
  5. Stefan W Hell

Q15:- which city/town will host the next Asian Games ?

  1. New Delhi India
  2. Jakarta, Indonesia
  3. Beijing, China
  4. Manila , Philippine’s
  5. Osaka, Japan

Q16:- Which country recently launched IRNSS IC navigation satellite?

  1. Japan
  2. India
  3. China
  4. USA
  5. Indonesia

Q17:- Who, among the following, is it the Union Rural Development Minister?

  1. Kalraj Mishra
  2. Radha Mohan Singh
  3. Jitendra Singh
  4. Choudhary Birender singh
  5. Nitin Gadkari

Q18:- World Standards Day was recently celebrated on

  1. 27 August
  2. 18 July
  3. 14 October
  4. 16 September
  5. 17 November

Q19:- The parliament constituency of Union Bank of India Minister kalraj Mishra is

  1. Gorakhpur
  2. Allahabad
  3. Kanpur
  4. Deoria
  5. Ghaziabad

Q20:- Which of the following countries was recently struck by Typhoon Vongfong?

  1. Malaysia
  2. Thailand
  3. Japan
  4. Singapore
  5. South Korea

Q21:- Who, among the following novelists, completed graduation from IIT Delhi and PG from IIM Ahmedabad?

  1. Jeet Thayil
  2. Chetan Bhagat
  3. Jhumpa Lahiri
  4. VS Naipaul
  5. Salman Rushidie

Q22:- Which film was selected as India’s official entry for Oscar Award 2015?

  1. Liar’s Dice
  2. The Road
  3. The Lunchbox
  4. Talash
  5. Run Milkha Run
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Q23:- Under the National Gramin Awas Mission, housing will be provided to all by

  1. 2019
  2. 2020
  3. 2022
  4. 2025
  5. 2028

Q24:- When a customer deposits Cheque to bank, the bank is a

  1. Drawer
  2. Agent
  3. Principal
  4. Drawee
  5. Bailee

Q25:- Satya Nadella was in recent news. He is the CEO of which organization?

  1. Tata Sons
  2. Infosys
  3. Microsoft
  4. Citibank
  5. Pepsi

Q26:- What is the full form of MOM?

  1. Money Order Mail
  2. Mars Orbiter Mission
  3. Man of Moment
  4. Mark of Mumbai
  5. None of these

Q27:- UNESCO headquarters located in

  1. Brussels
  2. Montreal
  3. Paris
  4. London
  5. Washington DC

Q28:- What does amortisation mean?

  1. Spreading payment over multiple periods
  2. Buying a financial instrument in one market in order to sell the same instrument at a higher price in another market
  3. Issuance of approval by a credit card issuer
  4. Buying the underlying securities at a specified exercise price
  5. None of these

Q29:- What is duration of PPF Account?

  1. 3 years
  2. 5 years
  3. 9 years
  4. 15 years
  5. 18 years

Q30:- Alibaba is the Company of which country?

  1. United Arab Emirates
  2. China
  3. Kuwait
  4. Malaysia
  5. India

Q31:- When state has the highest rural population in India?

  1. Uttar Pradesh
  2. Bihar
  3. Madhya Pradesh
  4. West Bengal
  5. Jharkhand

Q32:- When is Pneumonia Day Celebrated?

  1. 18 august
  2. 5 September
  3. 19 October
  4. 12 November
  5. 1 December

Q33:- What is the age limit for minor to operate savings account in India?

  1. 8 years
  2. 10 years
  3. 14 years
  4. 16 years
  5. 12 years
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Q34:- Under which Act cheque defined ?

  1. Negotiable Instruments Act 1881
  3. Contract Act 1949
  4. Banking Regulation Act 1949
  5. Both (3) and (4)

Q35:- Under which Act are the KYC norms implemented?

  1. SEBI Act, 1992
  2. Foreign Contribution and Regulation Act, 1976
  3. Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
  4. Banking Regulation Act, 1949
  5. Both (C) and (D)

Q36:- Who is the Union Minister for information and Broadcasting?

  1. Arun Jaitley
  2. Nitin Gadkari
  3. Rajnath Singh
  4. Narendra Modi
  5. Manohar Parrikar

Q37:- What is the full form of LTV

  1. Loan to Value Ratio
  2. Leases to Value Ratio
  3. Labor Tax Value
  4. Leverage Tax Value
  5. Listed Tax Value

Q38:- Sumitra Charat Ram Awards was recently given to

  1. Pandit Jasraj
  2. Ustad Bismillah Khan
  3. Pandit Birju Mahraj
  4. Kishori Amonkar
  5. Mayadhar Raut

Q39:- Who is the Chairman of the National Commission for Women?

  1. Jayanti Patnaik
  2. Margaret Alva
  3. Lalitha Kumaramangalam
  4. Poornima Advani
  5. Hemlata Kheria

Q40:- Monetary Police is regulated by

  1. Union Ministry of Finance
  2. Reserve Bank of India
  3. Planning Commission
  4. Both (A) and (B)
  5. All of the above